Saturday, May 14, 2011

CROSS-fit #12 Focus

Slapped on the 35# plate, attempting a relatively easy lift.
Power Snatch at 120 pounds. Honestly, very easy weight, Got into my stance, settled down.
Lifted with power but just didn't seem to get it in my first few tries.
"This is light! It's supposed to really be easy!"
Doing the easy stuff, doing them boring basics may seem easy, but at times, it can seem like the World to you.

Coach K provided a simple explanation to this.
"It's simple, you're just not focused, something is distracting you, something is bothering you."
"What is it? Get it out or get injured."
Words like these were strong, but true to me that day, and to everyone else in life.

Distractions can always come in many forms, 
but it's like a leech, sucking the life force out of you, causing your every action to be hindered and confused.
Get that distraction out, cause if you're not focused, your form breaks, your lift is wrong and there goes your shoulder.
Injuries thrive in distracted athletes.
Downfalls thrive in distracted Christians.
Get focused on the RIGHT things, on GOD.
Don't hide it away and pretend you got it under control, face the facts.
Man up and tell yourself, this is a distraction, this has to go.

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