Thursday, August 29, 2013

CROSS-fit #132 Big Hearted

Studies have shown that very often, our brains circuitry runs faster than we can feel.
In other words.
Our minds are racing so much, in the heat of the moment, we think of a thousand and one things
It happens all the time...
Not just to Crossfitters, I'm sure.

Before any big exam, big race, competition or even proposal.
Everyone over thinks everything.
They run the whole procedure in their mind.
They visualize and run through the entire sequence like a thousand times
It's a perfectly GOOD thing to visualize, it's encouraged and advocated by the experts on successful thinking.
But it's one thing to visualize in confidence and another to do so in anxiety.
Doing so in anxiety just messes you up, you think of the many possibilities.
The possible hits, how you're going to celebrate. You think of the possible misses, how you may fail.

Now I'm gonna push it a little further.
There're those whom, in the process of over thinking, over confess.
I'm not going to be the scriptural specialist here and have to admit that this might be wrong to many.
But it worked for me....
Over confessing God's promises in a feat of fear and anxiety.
Yes, confessing will help, it brings confidence to you.
But if you're doing so all outta 'the fear of failing' then something is wrong ain't it?
It's like how people make that heartless desperate prayer all for the sake of salvation from whatever shithole they're in but can't be bothered to pray any other time.

It's one thing to think of these things, it's another to hold them in our heart.
Last Monday, I failed a big lift, I was so psyched about it, I knew I could get it up and do it.
I prayed desperately moments before the lift.
'God this is my calling, this is my CALLING, SO I GOTTA MAKE IT!"
I thought to myself, this is going to be it, This Is Going To Be It, THIS IS GOING TO BE IT!!!
But I failed...
Coming away from the bar, an unlikely friend saw me and told me in his own words...
"You know you can do it, you know you can.
But your heart, your heart must be F**king big."
I guess it meant something to him but it meant a totally different thing.

We all know our promises, we all know our victories promised to us.
We know the word.
We know the confessions.
But if our heart isn't big enough to keep it in, then there's no point racing them in our head.
If you can't 'internalize' them, calm down and really live that word out, then take a step back.
Really let the promises sink in.
If you don't then whatever promises and just random words strung together.
You'll be surprised at the confidence that such calmness will bring.

"Be Still"
Let that word sink, sink, sink.

Re-attempting that lift.
I went in surprisingly calm.
I didn't need any unnecessary psyching or pump up.
I didn't need any loud raging music.
I just needed to use my heart and not my mind.

Before the day ended,
Last Monday became a PR day.

Friday, August 16, 2013

CROSS-fit #131 Is this a business or a lifestyle?

When I commenced my University Education back in 2010, I caught a very important movie.
"3 Idiots"
The essence of the movie was simple, chase excellence and success will chase you down.
4 years later, I can see that such a  philosophy really works.

There are Crossfit boxes that really have awesome programming, awesome community and great trainers whom actually TEACH movement and teach them in the right manner.
Then there are Crossfit boxes whom operate just like a globo gym. Whom run a business more than a good place to get people fit.
The issue here is focus.
As said in the previous post.
Ain't nobody got time for useless activities.
You want to be the best? You want to attract the right crowd?
Then what you do, how you spend your time will dictate that.

Focus your time on marketing and advertising, then you attract people whom just want to 'look good'.
You will attract people whom want to get a 'quick fix' or have their egos up in the air.
You'll attract the masses, yes you will, you'll probably get the clients nobody else can get.
But hardly, hardly, hardly will they stay. Cause there's something lacking.
The improvement you promise doesn't come readily. The success that they desire is as you promised, all superficial.
Similarly, focus on marketing YOURSELF too much, then the people you'll attract will just be like that.
Skin Deep.

Focus your time on programming, training and learning how to get people better at moving, then you'll naturally attract the people whom genuinely want to get better. They may not start out as star athletes from the get go, but they've got something inside them which isn't common in many people nowadays.
No you won't be the most popular kid on the block. Not everyone will flock to you.
You'll only be attracting the people who make the effort to do their research on stuff. That number though, is more often than not, small.
But would you want a hundred pigeons on your back? Or just a few Eagles?
I'd pick them Eagles

Focus your time on being a better person, on being stronger and more Christlike.
Then you really don't need to boast about many things.
(Gosh the last thing that I want to hear is another person repeatedly boast about his kindness of humility)
Character is what you do when nobody is watching.
So keep it that way.
Get up and get going on being better as a person.
Not being a better salesperson.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

CROSS-FIT #130 Ain't nobody got time for that

Think of your day today.
Think back of everything you've done the entire day.
Were they all doing the things you were meant to do or just got distracted to do them?
We all have 24 hours a day and gosh you got to spend it well.
In a recent video posted by Crossfit HQ, it was titled "How to beat Rich Froning".
In this video, everyone talks about what to do, what to think of when trying to do so.

Should everyone really be focusing on "How to beat Rich"? 
Or really just be focusing on besting themselves? After all, Crossfit is a very individual sport.
Instead of thinking of how to beat Rich, shouldn't they place more concern on themselves?
The champ, Rich Froning made it pretty clear, what he does, is just to be better than himself.
He wants to win, so he spends alot of time, alot of time, training.
He trains 4-5 times a day with no rest days. Honestly, I might die from that kind of volume.
But that speaks of dedication and focus.
No time for computer games, no time for idling.

But hey, we're all not Rich Froning.
Not all of us are meant to be the fittest on Earth.
But we can all try to emulate that kind of dedication and focus.
Ain't nobody got time for games all the time.

On the entire flip side, you're not supposed to be some machine to think of nothing but work.
But to me, mos of your time, most of your effort has to be dealing with what you're meant to do.
If you're called to be a business owner but end up working in the military with no connection to furthering the success of the business.
Then something is wrong isn't it?
You wanna be a champ?
Figure out what you're meant to do and spend hour on end, doing it.