Saturday, June 13, 2020

Let's talk about CrossFit

It's a small struggle for me to decide whether or not to actually talk about it or stay clear of fire and keep to the sidelines cause well, this topic is sensitive altogether and largely controversial. I suppose similar to many issues out there, the only time people speak out comfortably is when they are in support of the majority and often have the sway of the media. Or rather, in days like this, social media. On a total side note, a ridiculously good article pertaining to social media is here. It's quite a lengthy read, definitely way longer than this blog post you're going to read but it's worth it. I don't usually recommend alot of reads but that's definitely one of them. It might not be accurate (Because really, what's truth in a day of the mob right?) but it's definitely an opinion piece which I think can really widen ones perspective on how crazy this world has become and the power of the media (once again, in this case, social media). Back to the main topic, I'm here to talk about CrossFit, what my views are relating to the whole shebang regarding Greg Glassman's comments on Black Lives Matter and how so many gyms went on an exodus and I guess how all these other gyms whom I know took the side to slam CrossFit HQ, to just laugh at it or for it just to become yet another talking point altogether. Now disclaimer, everything that I'm about to say (Though really, I don't think anyone is going to read this at all, because I feel that I'm typing this more for myself than anything at all), is really my opinion. I doubt I'll sway anyones belief on anything or change how people view this entire situation but really, it's just my view.

1) What Greg Glassman said was wrong

It was stupid, wrong, racist and dumb. Let's get that out of the way. What we posted out on Innervate Fitness is true because Mo and I were the ones to type it out. We believe that yes, community comes first. That it's so important to have that in the crosshair every single day and waking moment as a box owner. So what Glassman said went against everything that we believed in and I think via extension what the CrossFit Community believed in. Yes, there is a large problem with regards to racism in CrossFit. There is systematic racism across the ocean (Locally, I don't think there's an issue on this), but really, look at the Games and how many black athletes there are. Barely any and you've really got to wonder why? Perhaps you can say that they simply aren't as fit? Maybe so. Or you could argue that really, a black individual might not feel as comfortable in the 4 walls of a CrossFit box and simple because of that, their impetus to join the program, stay to improve is alot lesser compared to a community where they are the majority.

2) That does not mean that the CrossFit community is represented by them.

And to me, that is the big problem. People associate the brand of CrossFit with every single gym out there or the problem with being labelled as a CrossFit Box or Gym. However, you've gotta know that really, what one person says does not reflect what the entire community thinks. What a country believes in should not affect how WE think of others, do business and view a methodology or 'local' brand. How CrossFit HQ moves yes, charters how CrossFit gyms across the board generally moves in terms of the opens, fundraisers and more. However, they do not govern how we build the community, the kind of community we want to raise up and the eventual way it's all crafted. I don't think it's right to say that because of this we should instantly distant ourselves from it. It's close and similar to saying that if for some reason, the Mcdonalds CEO says something racist, you never eat Chicken Mcnuggets again? If you feel so strongly about it then instead of boycotting something, be the solution to something. Which brings me sort of to the next point

3) Talk less, do more

And when I say that, I mean that instead of just talking about the problems, how Glassman didn't view Black Lives Matter as an important issue and side stepping away from taking responsibility, you do something about it. That you make changes and take actions to create a community that is truly inclusive. No one is ever going to say that Innervate is not inclusive because really, Innervate is as inclusive as it can get. From the young, old, abled or disabled, someone from every race and with a diverse background. If you think otherwise, please, I'd be happy to be proven wrong and I'd be happy to see you do better. So yes, instead of talking, do better. Instead of just deaffiliating and distancing yourself, because it's the cool and in trend thing to do and it instantly 'absolves' you from the complicated nature of the whole situation and the lessened need for structural corporate change, you actually become inclusive. So to those affiliates or gyms that have proudly stepped back to say that they're going to deaffiliate, good on you, now take that affiliation fee and do something worthwhile for the damn community. I want to see you create change and NOT STAY SILENT to things which are a problem locally. I want you to put your damn money where your mouth is and welcome disabled people through your doors by closing open gyms, giving more personalised training programs for them. I want you to welcome elderly (No matter how central your gym may be, there's always an elderly population or GO TO THEM). Show me and prove the world wrong that it isn't just because you're jumping on the hype train and instead you're doing something more for the community and society. I'm honestly ridiculously fucking tired of keyboard warriors, of people who claim that they want to see social change and social good but sit behind the computer and never actually make a change. No, deaffiliating is not enough, that is simply making a branding change, do something to promote inclusion in your community and it doesn't stop at a community class, because that's a low lying fucking easy way out. 

3) The reason for deaffiliation? Because Business Matters. 

So what's your real reason for deaffiliation? If it's because you strongly believe in something and truly don't want to stand by the words and views of Glassman then for sure, exit and leave but it's time to do something else about it and not just go about doing your own business. Show us more. If though, your reason for deaffiliation is for something else, then that's a different question altogether (because don't get me wrong, deaffiliating does make business sense as well) but don't hop on the blame train and take advantage of the situation and in turn throw every other affiliate under the bus. This is my speculation altogether but gyms that have deaffiliated are already enroute to deaffiliating even before this entire fiasco happened. Gyms that have deaffiliated are also able to do so, they've developed their brand sufficiently and already wanted to move away from this. I mean seriously, suddenly gyms rolling out their own affiliate model overnight? I'm not that naive to think that they weren't planning this way before. How sure am I? Because yes, we considered it before this whole shitshow and we considered it even more when it happened but we didn't want to be rash and jump on that train simply because everyone is doing that, it wasn't making a statement, it was literally promoting and empowering a malicious mob. So know why you're deaffiliating and be honest and transparent about it.

4) Do we not remember the good?

The crazy thing was that just 2 months ago, CrossFit HQ held the #supportyourlocalbox fundraiser and it was insane. We didn't actively rally for it because we didn't see the need or desire to but some in Singapore did and I guess wha't disappointing and sort of sad was that the moment this happened, Fuck CrossFit, we don't stand by you and we don't believe that you've really helped us ever. I mean really?? People just did a fundraiser for you and turn your back on them when the rough times come. Yeah, they did a big bad booboo, we don't agree with those statements, community comes first but really!? They've supported you just a moment ago and now you're spinning around and biting them. I feel that such attitude is extremely short sighted and I hope that people sniff that out because if you can leave an organisation you've been a part of for so long, I don't know about your commitment to your members and how truly "For them" you are. 

5) Being kind and gentle in a time of trial and controversy - don't follow the mob mentality

In moments like these, it's all about who's right and who's wrong. Hardly any room for inbetween. I think staying home during this lockdown season has amplified the self righteous attitude of many people. And nope, it isn't just confined to CrossFit. 

*SIDE TRACKING HERE* The amount of hate that I've seen being dished out to social influencers who claim that they are Fitspo is simply astounding. I know that you're agitated because someone is sprouting utter nonsense from your mouth that you don't agree on and that's okay. But in my opinion the fact that they've reached so many people, SO MANY VIEWS. Even if they've caused an improvement of fitness to that mass of people marginally like say 1%, it would've been more than 10x what those people would've effectively been capable of. So 2 quick views on this. 1) Learn from these people, yes you heard me, they're doing SOMETHING right, what is it? Because keep whining, complaining and I guess you're just gonna be left behind because evidently they don't give a hoot about you. 2) If you're doing this for clout, come I clap for you, because you smart. And nope, I'm not saying that it's wrong either but I guess.... this is one way to 'educate' but really, I think there're better ways to do that. 3) Really!? 80 carefully crafted instagram stories for one hate message? I think if you just spent a fraction of that time thinking of how you can improve your craft, you're be better. 

Okay back to CrossFit. I do feel that it's just surprisingly sad AND scary how people are just out there for blood. The modern day witch hunt has been brought from hanging suspicious witches to starting a social media bonfire. I mean, look back at the past and you'd see how people 'jumping on to movements' have both positive effects but also brought things to an unnecessary extent. I mean, Jesus being crucified, how about that? Everyone just jumped on to that train. Then actual witch hunts in the past? Everyone just joining in to agree with the masses and what they are saying. And who can forget, Game of Thrones, SHAME SHAME SHAME. Oh we all LOVED that scene right? I mean it was a defining one for me. But really, all of this was done before Glassman could say anything to defend himself, before the HQ side could muster their response adequately (Though, I felt it really was late). And the scary thing is that when the angry mob comes, they demand justice and the heaviest penalty there can be. That to me, is insane.

I've sincerely sincerely wondered that instead of all this anger and disdain from the community, could we have been kinder? As mentioned, turning that strong hate and anger into something that brings positive outcomes (Especially that in Singapore where racism of another sort exists). Could we do better? I think the problem with the fitness community is this pride, this 'with me or against me' and there really isn't any wiggle room or any space to be agree to disagree even to the smallest extent without burning each other to the ground. I'm sorry but this, this is the real virus here, this hate and anger is what's gonna cause gyms to fall and fail. 

6) Family Matters

Because especially in seasons like this. Family matters. Not just blood relations but your community matters. Division is out there and just like how the community is so quick to voice out their protest against what a tweet meant, I am wondering why don't Americans all renounce their citizenship altogether when their President constantly tweets things which are in my opinion, 100x worst? It's because they believe in their country and not one person leading it. I too, believe in that same principle. You don't turn your back on family when things screw up, you keep believing in them and you keep putting your best foot forward to really make people better, inside and out. To show compassion when everyone else out there has menacing thoughts and intents. Change needs to happen and it has to come from inside out. Maybe as an athlete, businessman or whatever you call it, you don't walk away from the problem, you become the solution. I hope YOU become the solution.

I suppose that's all I have to say, there will be many who disagree with me and many who agree with me. I'm not trying to say that my views are perfect because they aren't and I'd be happy to hear yours. You might change my views but I've been for one to say that your can't hammer reason to another person, you have to do so with compassion. So let's hear it! (Then again, sorry, I don't think anyone is going to actually read this)

- I miss blogging. I really do. Now this is finally off my chest, I'm gonna sleep well tonight

Sunday, June 07, 2020


It has been close to 5 years since I have typed anything here and needless to say, I am extremely rusty at this and this has really been a blast from the past for me. I figured now that nobody really chances upon this, and now that everything is really digital, I'm gonna use this as a platform to pen some thoughts and really, for myself now and sorry, no one is going to see this ever. I used to journal a whole lot to lay my thoughts out and i think that well, it was surprisingly cathartic for me. Maybe that's why or how I kind of lost my way? I just let the busyness get to me and I lost touch with myself. Perhaps it was the lack of connection and getting to see what I'm weak at, sad at, agitated at and angry at. 

In those moments, maybe I did bottle it all up and maybe that was what caused everything to implode altogether. Too many ifs, too many perhaps. But one thing that I'm in pursuit of right now, is to have a clarity of mind, to be able to slow down and take it all in. I guess this is where I'm really reborn, from deep down inside out.

I messed up very much and I don't think I deserve or have the right to be happy from here on out but then, I do feel so. Yet I am torn because though I feel happy, I think I should be reflecting much more on my choices and what makes me happy and all. However, I guess in moments like these, I want to delve deep into my inner being, this abyss of a soul and find out who and what I stand for, what do I value, why I do what I do and to use that all to grow. Not what the world, not what the church or my family says about me but about what I conceive in my head.