Friday, November 13, 2009


Listening to : Tik Tok - Alesha

Sometimes you wonder what others expect out of you.
Yeah we all want to live our own lives and not under the false pretense of the impression you want others to have.
Its not fantastic. In fact, I don't like it.
But sometimes you can't be so selfish.
We have to be up to spec as to what another expects.
I have to admit that people change at times. Yes they do.
So will these expectations. However, for the other party, manage your expectations!

These issues have honestly been the significant troubling factor these few days.
It comes in many forms. But it really does get to me.
I can't say I can't be bothered.
But if I really don't live up to some expectation, I am trying.
And for many others, if another really doesn't live up to those expectations.
Don't be immature about it.
Be the bigger person and overcome your pride.
Suck it up at times when things just don't your way.

Life after ORD has been interesting. In fact, I'm not as unemployed as I expected.
Hopefully I'll be able to find a job.
Please trust me again.

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