Friday, July 29, 2005

You don't understand me? I don't understand you? So why care?

I have found it extremely ironic. EXTREMELY Disgusted by a few of my friends actions today. Not to the extreme of me getting angry but it was big enough to make a mark. It was simple, 1 guy broke up, and the other was pissed cuz that gal was his cousin. Frankly, anybody would get pissed. Even I didn't like what I heard. Not only that. This wasn't the first time.

Soon enough, rumour spread and gossiping began, from white became black. Soon many friends began toexclude him from conversations, keep away from him. The most hurtful thing was that we were all close friends, I mean one of the best of friends, then huh?? It all crumbled in an instant? I was annoyed not by what he did but how my friends reacted!

Instead of being angry, understand him! I'm sure he isn't a heartless man! Not only that. HELLO!!! We were a pose at first, definitely we can understand each other. However it seems not. Just because of 1 girl. there goes years of friendship. Frankly I'm dissapointed. Very dissapointed. If you know he is that bad, instead of condemning him, ever thought of changing him? It ain't going to be easy, but someone has to do it!?

Before we reach for Hate, Remember The Titans!

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