Monday, August 01, 2005

Something Amiss

Perhaps something is wrong. Or I simply can't accept failure. Whatever happens, I always seem to say It's good, though it's real bad, I still say it's good. Don't really know but Sometimes I really have to admit. It really is very very bad. Wondering what I'm speaking about? 2 things. 1 was yesterday's duty. Frankly It wasn't well done. It was rather bad. In fact very bad. I focused so much on the big things, till I forgot about the minor details. I was so absorbed with getting everything in place. I forgot to accomplish the minority. Perhaps I'm putting too much pressure on myself? Perhaps I think too much on the results and what will people say about me? Whatever it is. One thing I know. This is Wrong!!! Change has to happen! I like what Mike Connel said. We all have to change!! 2nd thing was that one of my friends, well I won't mention who, if i do it'll break his heart even more. However, Me saying it's ok it's ok may not work all the time. Something I realised.

Well nontheless next week is FOP. Well I was pleasently surprised by many things. I frankly don't know if this is good or bad. Prelims in 2 weeks. But many things were assigned to me. 1) I just recieved my position for FOP, Gonna run for Brother Alex once again!! Hopefully it'll be fun this time! 2)Recruitment! 3)Photos for Lawrence. Well it can all work well. But one thing! Time management! =) and definitely With God I can do all things!

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