Saturday, November 01, 2008


Listening to : Summer hair forever young - The Academy is...

Well, the possible thought of responsibility on me again seems strange.
I dunno. I guess its been THAT long since i've been engaged in anything REAL.
Before, i took things rather lightly.
I guess its the army. Now that i'm a 'trained controller'
The thought of being put in position of a 'leader' is kinda scary.
Not that I doubt myself but its really alot of responsibility.
If u crash a plane, its your fault. So if someone leaves, its your fault. If something goes wrong in hall, its your fault.
I never thought of it this way before i left. Maybe thats why i was THAT carefree
Now its a totally different ball game. If i'm ever going to do this properly,
I think i'll do it REALLY well. No mess ups and no accepting what i cannot do.
I think its just that i don't want them to end up wrong.
Sometimes i also wonder why so much responsibility is placed on me, i mean, i know i've messed up more than enough times.
Its quite nice to know that someone still thinks u still got it in you.

Anyway, its time for me to sleep. I'm so so tired.
i think its cause of the flu. Gonna see a doc tomorrow for 3 sickness.
sounds bad eh. Yes it is. Oh god i wanna die, theres still hitlers idiotic case.
Why can't he just die!!!!
Wait he already did. A sad one too...

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