Tuesday, August 15, 2006

first half

Listening to : 98.7

This start start of the week has been rather interesting.
IN fact it was like rather annoying.
So, well....heh.... Ok it wasn't TAT bad after all.
After blogging I spent like an hour packing my room.
Well half way through, I realised my room was SUPER MESSY!
I wanted to ask for help from my maid. Well, she was on the phone.
So i decided to write a LONG LONG list of things to do for me.
Amazingly, she actually did it... HAHA! Should do that to more people next time.

Well today started really badly.
SOmehting REAL bad happened in class, not any of our fault in fact, but think we would all do anything we can to remedy the situation... Hmph...

Lazy to blog...heh.
Superman is going crazy...Lacking something...

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