Monday, June 06, 2011

CROSS-fit #28 Again and again

Why do you go back again and again.
Why do you return back with torn and tattered palms,
with scrapped shins, a bruised chin, a tired heart...
Why do you keep going back to the box? To a place where things are nothing but easy.

I guess it is human nature, for us to want to face challenges in our lives.
Maybe it's even the Godly nature in us which compels us to find something to push our limits.
We just can't live with a mediocre life can we?
Where easy is our way of life. Of course everyone wishes for a life like that but.....
Is it really what everyone wants to do?
To lead an easy life, a convenient life, where's the purpose in that? Where's the fun?
No doubt, not everyone who walks through those wide open doors of the box necessarily stay.
Many in fact, leave.
They give up after just a few classes, they just can't take the heat.
It's back to the typical gym for them, where easy kind of thrives.

However, be the person that stays.
Be the person that demands hardship, that demands trials.
Be the person with the guts to face it head on.
No matter what the side effects. Scarred legs, bruised hands, whatever it is...


Come back, again and again.
5 times a week, to embrace the suck.
Have the courage to do so.

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