Sunday, May 22, 2005

What does HE mean to you

God. What does he mean to you. The simple sound of that name. What would it mean in your life??? To everybody it's different. To everybody its something unique. A few examples.
"God is my comfort, My refuge"
"God is my healer, He healed me!!"
"God is someone out there deciding my destiny"
"I dunno. I just simply follow That God."
"God Is love. Faith. All the good things!"
"God is the one who imposes kicks in my life!!"

All of them are all correct. None of them are wrong. What am I trying to get at. Was worshiping. When suddenly Wow!! The question was imposed. What does God mean to me!?!? I gave all answers. but somehow it didn't hit it!! But when i sang "Thank You" It all seemed so clear.
"Who is God To You??"
"God. He's everything"

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