Monday, February 21, 2005

97 days...

Clocks are ticking away. 97 days left to the big chinese O level exams. The thought of it horrifies me. It may just be because I have not properly preapared myself, or maybe I'm just paranoid. Either way, the date still stands, 30th May 2005. 97 days from now it will actually happen. Not only that, its going to be tight for me the next month. I have to be able to prioritise, serving God and putting much needed effort in my studies. I have to be able to chew gum and walk meaning i have to learn to do twice at once!!! This reality was smacked in my face by Desmond Lim although its really stressing me out. I thank God for that smack though. Nontheless I will still be very on fire for God. Always doing my best and looking to God for direction. Sometimes when you don't know what to do. God is there to help!! That leads me to the next topic. Spiritual discernment is going to be very important for the next few weeks and conferences. I'm going to have to exercise it to the max. I'm gonna need Gods help to flow with the Holy Spirit during services especially in ushering when I'm really going to rely on Gods strength. At times for no particular reason you may be looking around, and wow u spotted something. Coincidence? I think not. In the next few weeks I'll have to rely on God to point out these problems situations to me during the conferences. I indeed rely on God.

Even though I walk throught the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. for you are with me.
-King David

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