Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CROSS-fit #53 When the World says no

When the World says no....
Yeah, sometimes it denies you of the mere joys in life.
Them second chances which you always wanted.

Life is hard... More so, frail.

When you're not given that rep, when you're given 'no count'.
Yeah, the WOD says no.
I guess we all have that feeling all the time.
"Heck, I just did something nobody could've done! I just did the impossible,
now you tell me that it wasn't legit?"
So right here, you could tell yourself, I don't think I can do that again...
I can't do impossible twice, can I?
Well, impossible is no longer impossible cause you just debunked it's supporting facts.

Gosh, when you don't get that job or have to prove yourself again and again all the time.
Don't whine and feel sorry for yourself.
The last thing you need is self pity.
Shake it off, and let's go.
Again and again, even if the 'nos' keep coming.
One day, it'll be a yes.

Drag till the 5th minute to see... 
The story of how the World said no, but he replied with his own answer.

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