Thursday, September 16, 2010

mugger society

Listening to : ACDC Album

Well, it has come to this.
Blogging in the middle of NUS central library. Has this become my home?
I really do hope I begin to actually have a life after this sem.
Well, they all say that the first year and first sem is the toughest.
Hope that it's true. And everything else will just be a breeze....
Ok, fat hope!!!

Either way, I'm really glad that right now, I've got time on my hands.
I'm slightly lagging in terms of work. But it's ok I suppose.
I need some air time to breathe and take a short break.
Cause I'm literally struggling to survive here.
So pace is the most important! Just completed my first mid term test.
Taking a short break. But everyone all around me is mugging.
Alright Lionel, succumb to pear pressure....


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