Monday, February 02, 2009


Listening to : Secret Valentine - We the Kings

I know my blogging habits are rather irregular. Blame my friends for it!
Well, i simply have very little or no time to blog anymore.
At least after the new year and festivities, things are more settled down.
Well, as i said, i've got many resolutions. But one side point is to give myself time.
Time to just. NUA. and well, do nothing and laze around at home.
I dun need to keep going out and all.

Well, NS has been rather good. I'm settling really nicely in the squadron.
Despite the heavy demand on our time and weekends at times.
I'm quite ok with it. I guess its the company and all.
I want to make the most out of many things!

A big change for me this year which I am PROUD to say I'm doing is that i'm going for a marathon!!! No I won't wait till the year ends for standard chartered. I'm doing the sundown.
So because of it i've been training often enough.
Its actually fun in some ways. I've lost alot of speed but gained more stamina in exchange.
Running everyday MYSELF is really a big change.
Since i'm stay out, it does take some effort to go for a run. Yeah, now i think i'm progressing just right!!! Hello 42KM!!

I know i mention this in every entry i do. Yes i do love my girlfriend.
I dunno why, i guess its cause we've been together for SO long. I'm really happy.
I'm happier everyday cause of it. Friction may appear but never really lasts i guess.
I'm trying to catch the fire back for wat i used to be passionate about.
I'm trying to become wat I was when I was in JC and School.
Both in terms of running, spirituality and focus.
That was the climax for that period of my life. Yup, now i'm trying. I hope to achieve.

Now i know what it is to emo....

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