Friday, December 21, 2012

CROSS-fit #114 Ken

While doing Crossfit, many are continually amazed by the movements and intensities of it all.
However, certain things need no real explanation.
They say that you can't really argue someone into the kingdom of God.
You can surely explain the whole concept of Christ or anything at all but if the other party just isn't willing then really, you're wasting your time.

During my exchange here in Arizona, I've met Ken, a Japanese.
Someone not too fluent in English but I've learnt one really important thing from him.
That communication doesn't always involve speaking.
He's sincere, kind and extremely outgoing. Most of all, he expresses most of everything via actions.
He doesn't really think too much, he just does it.
I've seen who he is through his actions and not really his speech.
I've learnt to hold back talking and maybe just do the things I wanna say I do.
If I wanna eat 2 pounds of meat, just do it! Don't talk too much bout it!
If I wanna travel the World, DO IT!

Likewise, maybe we shouldn't talk too much bout stuff.
About Crossfit or about anything at all.
People whom criticize the lifestyle may just need to see it.
So don't be shy about your convictions cause you may speak a totally different language but actions and habits speak for themselves.
Arguing will only push them away.

Ken has been an amazing friend and this is really dedicated to him.
See you in Japan real soon buddy!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

CROSS-fit #113 Bear Down

Being here in Arizona, I've learnt one important phrase.
"Bear Down"
The story goes as such...
Years ago, the UofA football team was on the road to victory and it was the last championship game.
It was a tough one and it was going to take every ounce of effort.
Then the worst occured, the captain of the football team met a terrible accident.
On his death bed, he said these words.
"Tell the team to, Bear Down, Bear Down".
UofA went on to win that resounding game and emerged victors.

"Bear Down".
It isn't the simplest thing to say, not the phrase which has the best ring to it.
But it hold power and strength.
Cause it came from someone whom represents everyone in the UofA.
They identify with it, recognize it an understand the power that those 2 words have.
Enemies fear it, supporters chant it.

The words that drive you, everyday.
In Crossfit, one motivational phrase could be "Keep going".
Or something like that, but what meaning does it have? Are they just words or do they hold something deeper?
Everyone has their own version of "Bear Down". Something personal, something they don't just know but something they feel.
That's how you motivate your team, that's how you motivate yourself.
In the Bible, there're so many phrases, verses and words.
It's a treasure trove of these words. They represent who you are.
Calling on them gives strength.
It's not like a magical spell, you don't change your surroundings...
You just change yourself.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

CROSS-fit 112 The fun should never end

Post Wildcat Crossfit Party and I'm adequately happy.
It's the last party I'll ever go to over here, apart from missing these guys.
I'm going to miss all the fun I've been having.
Every week, I'm learning something new. Something I never thought I could do.
The talents here are so widespread.
They're very willingly shared.
If I knew how to do a Muscle Up, I'd teach you.
If you knew Salsa, you'd teach me.

That's the fun of Crossfit.
All of us came from different backgrounds.
For sure, some of us have learnt real different things to share.
Never stop having fun here.
Never stop being too 'old' to learn something.
Be fresh, be new. :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

CROSS-fit #111 Wildcat Crossfit

I've had the great great privilege of working out with an awesome bunch of people.
I've been to many boxes all across the United States while I've been here.
However, nothing really compares to this box (Of course CFSG kicks ass)
Wildcat Crossfit!!!
So here's a shoutout to Wildcat Crossfit and something really valuable I learnt whilst I was there.I never knew that I could find a home away from home this way.
They are an amazing bunch. Honestly, they don't have games competitors, they don't have fancy stuff.
They don't have much of a perfect program.
But they're real.
They're not fancy, they don't do west side programming or do it the outlaw way.
They manage and work with us. They change things to help us.

One of most important moment in your fitness life or in your life period.
Is for someone to believe in you.
Believe that whatever you want, whatever you are striving for is actually possible.
I've heard of a friend, Ryan, whom was 300 pounds and is now 185 pounds.
Amazing?? Well, he believed he could do it, the people in Wildcat CF believed it too.
Now he's one of the Firebreathers around.

Recently, they moved into games preperation for those whom want to "go get it"!
Surprisingly, the people whom joined in, honestly, in my opinion, stood NO CHANCE in getting into the regionals AT ALL.
However, I felt something different about this bunch.
Something really really important.
That I might not be the strongest around, I might not be the best or the fittest.
I may not be Rich Froning or Annie Thorisdotter.
But when I'm here working out, I give it my all.
I may not be snatching 250# or doing Fran at 2 minutes.
But when I somehow achieve my goals, people celebrate it like I was the champion in the games.

That means a whole lot to me.
I see elderly people come in, some less fit than normal, but are treated as Rockstars when they do something they never thought they could.
This really changed my perception of Crossfit and of Life.
We don't need to be the champs of the World or champs even in our box.

We need to be champs of ourselves.

We need to believe that the change is possible and to work at it.
No, it's not just for yourself either, cause when you can break your body, your heart is seen.
All that effort, all that sheer will, is seen.
That, amongst all things, inspires.

Wildcat Crossfit, you've taught me much, I can't thank you enough :)
To Nic, Jen, Noah, Eric for all the coaching and help you've given me
To the friends I've made, too many to name, your companionship, flattery, encouragement, appreciation, congratulations and most of all, your sheer will and heart, will be missed.
I may be far away, but I'm definitely a Wildcat Crossfitter. :)

Sunday, December 09, 2012

CROSS-fit #110 This has your name all over it

When something has your name all over it.
It essentially means what? That you pretty much own this workout.
And that you're great at it.

Well, I'd like for such a phrase to be coined slightly differently in a Crossfit context.
Recently I had a workout and my trainers called it mine.
My name written all over it.
I genuinely thought it'll be body weight movements, simple pull ups and MUs.
Hell no.
All my weaknesses combined in one tiny workout.
Toes to bar, grip strength, running, you name it.

Be unafriad to expose your weaknesses to others.
Cause then they'll know where to hit.
Know where to really target.
This is a different spirit from other competitions, really.
It doesn't matter if everyone knows what you suck at. Cause they really ain't competing against you.
They're doing so against themselves.

Don't hide behind your strengths.
Don't hide behind your fame, wealth and happiness.
Acknowledge your shortfalls and deal with it.
Better yet, let others in your life, those you can count on, those you're vulnerable to, know about it.
That's when the growth kicks in

Friday, December 07, 2012

CROSS-fit #109 What are your weaknesses?

In Crossfit, many many people say that their weaknesses is their strength segment of fitness.
They all say that they just wanna get stronger and the heavy stuff has been pulling them down dramatically.
But is it? Or is it something we just want to believe in?

We all have weaknesses in our lives, not just in Crossfit.
Yes, sometimes we are deficient in one area more than the other.
In this instance, it's going to be in the area of strength.
For me, its that way too, I suck at anything heavy, I suck at it so badly.
Although I'm honestly lifting heavy for my small size, it's still mediocre compared to the big boys in my box.
When it comes to the heavy metcon, I suck at it even more.

But really, is that it? So if strength is my biggest weakness, should I devote all my time to punching it out?
Well, previous Crossfit Games Champion Jason Khalipa states it very clearly.

"Question to ask yourself. Is strength really your weakness? I find so many CrossFitters working strength as a "weakness." My question is, "Can you do muscle ups well, HSPU's, run? What is your Fran, Cindy, FGB. Often times it's easy to look at strength numbers and quantify where you are at compared to others. Don't neglect CrossFit workouts. You may have weaknesses elsewhere."
 - Jason Khalipa

When its time to put the mantle to the test, that's when ALL your weaknesses gets revealed.
Your strength may be your weakness.
But my question to you is... 
Does that translate into neglecting fixing up on other weaknesses too?
Of course, of course, Crossfit focuses on strength so much since this aspect of fitness can be best translated into almost every other segment of fitness easily.
But that doesn't mean neglect the other stuff too.
"Lift heavy and smash your weaknesses"

Everyday, we all have 24 hours.
We have different priorities and "weaknesses"
Take time, to identify what is your "strength' aspect of fitness in your life
What is it that you're really not good at, but you know that if you work on it, gains will be seen on all areas of your life.
It could be spirituality? It could be how your live your life in your household.
Get a hold of that and work it and work it hard.
However, don't forget the other weaknesses too, don't forget the small details.
That makes a world of a difference.

CROSS-fit #108 Do something new!!

In a bid to be the best of the best. To make it to the Games and possibly win it.
Many coaches, many boxes adopt the "no nonsense, no bullsh*t" approach to training.
Everything is structured, everything is in place for a reason.
Workouts are chosen because they produce the best results.
However, they are no longer different.
They no longer throw in that random factor in to daily life anymore.

Think just a couple of days ago, Crossfit SG had a fun workout with the trainers.
Have a games like team workout.
It was really a treat to see that everyone was having fun with that.
Does CFSG care about results?
Of course! Damn we're darn serious about it!

But once in a while, do something new!
Recently, I did my very first "Skin the cat".
I did my very first bar MU and one arm snatch.
It doesn't exactly translate into me being the best athlete.
But hey, at least I'm having fun and doing something new!

So what's that new thing you've done today?? Maybe not in Crossfit...
But with your lives and with family around you.
What is that new spice in your life?