Thursday, December 20, 2012

CROSS-fit #113 Bear Down

Being here in Arizona, I've learnt one important phrase.
"Bear Down"
The story goes as such...
Years ago, the UofA football team was on the road to victory and it was the last championship game.
It was a tough one and it was going to take every ounce of effort.
Then the worst occured, the captain of the football team met a terrible accident.
On his death bed, he said these words.
"Tell the team to, Bear Down, Bear Down".
UofA went on to win that resounding game and emerged victors.

"Bear Down".
It isn't the simplest thing to say, not the phrase which has the best ring to it.
But it hold power and strength.
Cause it came from someone whom represents everyone in the UofA.
They identify with it, recognize it an understand the power that those 2 words have.
Enemies fear it, supporters chant it.

The words that drive you, everyday.
In Crossfit, one motivational phrase could be "Keep going".
Or something like that, but what meaning does it have? Are they just words or do they hold something deeper?
Everyone has their own version of "Bear Down". Something personal, something they don't just know but something they feel.
That's how you motivate your team, that's how you motivate yourself.
In the Bible, there're so many phrases, verses and words.
It's a treasure trove of these words. They represent who you are.
Calling on them gives strength.
It's not like a magical spell, you don't change your surroundings...
You just change yourself.

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