Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Listening to : Crash - Matt Willis

Its simple, I refuse to be defeated and i will never give up!
Even if you beat me i refuse to admit it and say its a fluke.
I'll keep coming again and again till I do beat you.
Thats how i've been thinking the past 2 days which were really tough.
Yesterday doing 8x400 at a kinda tough pace and today finally puking during training.
Some say I'm pushing too hard and need rest.
Maybe I do, But I can't, I can't let someone down.
I'm gonna fight my lungs out if I have to.
Today for the first time, I really gave up. I said a no to training.
Well, it seems my body has gotten the better of me for today, well, its a fluke.
I'll OWN my body tomorrow.
Ok this is getting to sound really sadistic.
Well, Good job to the ruggers for taking out MI today!
Chuck scored 3 trys. I'm kinda amazed. Impressed rather.
He really is fast. Well, I need to study again.
Its tough being fired up to run and study at the same time. HAHA!

This is totally random, but I think i need a backpack.
The sling bag is really screwing my arms up. I need one badly i think.
its only 58 days away.
Close to 2 months and track nationals are here.
Maybe some just don't get it, If I don't push myself now.
Then When? AHHHH!!!
I'm fired up!!!!
As for History, i just pon my 1st history test. HAHAHAH
I'm so going to die man.

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