Sunday, November 27, 2005

I'll miss this....

Today marks the end, or unofficially, the last hall duty for section 10.
A year just flashed past my eyes, the trials faced, victories attained.
Ushering is not what many would think of it to be.
To me, its fun, in fact explosive fun.
Serving not just the people, but God.
It's phenomenal.
Despite all the mistakes made, problems encountered in today's duty.
I'm at least sure of one thing.
I enjoyed it, seriously, it was never this fun.
Well I got promoted to a team IC, frankly that don't really matter to me.
Yes I'm happy, but what brings more joy,
is to see the old faces mature and new ones enter with excitement.
It was in fact very emotional, I'll miss section 10.
Well if the old don't go, the new won't come.
A new hall, a new challenge, a fresh start.
Expo here we come....
Well one last shout...

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