Wednesday, October 02, 2013

CROSS-fit #136 The road less travelled

Matt 7:14
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Through my course of study and research in Crossfit (Experiences included)
It is undeniable, the benefits and evidence that Crossfit is a good training program and system.
You can't point any fingers and say that anyone who seriously went through the program has emerged un-fitter or have had no change in their health or body.
It is open and in the books, Crossfit is effective.
But why? Why don't people do it? 
I mean, I've told people about it, many have seen the visible effects of it.

It's simple, Crossfit is Hard.
Gosh it's hard.
It's hard, it's exhausting and often painful.
It leaves you on the floor, gasping for air multiple times a week.
But of course, it's not without people around you to share that experience.

Crossfit is hard and people don't wanna do it.
Many people know that certain things in their lives are good for them.
They know that walking the "Narrow path" is going to bring them to green pastures.
But this "Narrow path", is gonna be painful.
it's hard and very potentially exhausting.
Following that "Narrow path", no matter what it may be, may drain you at times.
I'd imagine teachers, following their calling to be who they are, get so drained and tired from teaching at times. They might lose their temper, break down and risk getting fired.
But still, they choose to walk the narrow path.

Everyone who walks through the doors of the box understand the moment they step in.
They see the sign outside which says, leave your ego at the door.
Because there's no room for ego here.
It's a narrow path that these athletes have chosen to walk.
They can very well indulge in their comfort and go to zumba or pump class (No offense!)
Because it is genuinely easier! (Measure your VO2 uptake during both sessions and you'll know it's true)
So I have a whole lot of respect for everyone who has chosen to stick with us.
I have respect for those who have chosen to walk that Narrow path in fitness

I respect those who have chosen to walk the Narrow Paths in their calling
Those who take up a smaller salary to do things they know they were called to do.
Those who realize that this is the road that is less traveled but do so nonetheless.
Those who forsake, friends, fortune and fame just to walk this path and they aren't afraid to walk it alone, in the dark.

I respect those who follow their values in their lives as well.
So often, it's easier to take that easy way out, to follow the person who promises more money.
It's easier to follow the person who promises an easy life and fame in an instant.
It's the narrow path when you choose to stick with the person who gives vision.
Everything else that comes, fame, fortune, is really all just a bonus

Walk the narrow path with me.
Because, just like Crossfit, this narrow path, is made easier when there's someone sharing the same experience and gasping for air beside you
It's not easy, I guarantee you that.
But what waits at the end of the tunnel is undeniable.
The results are evidence based.
Whatever your goal, whatever you seek, is waiting.
Come on board with me!


Unknown said...

Needed this today. Thanks, I'm inspired!

arlyn said...

Very inspiring!!! Can I share this? :)

Lionel!! said...

Haha of course Arlyn! Good to see you around this space :)

Lionel!! said...

Your welcome Pearl! Always happy to inspire and encourage :)

Lionel!! said...
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Jedidiah said...

Hi Lionel,

wei hao here. we talked at international exchange day. erm... could you share more about what is taught in crossfit fundamental classes?

just curious also: are there ppl who should not do crossfit? previously there was an article on a pregnant mother doing crossfit and there was some hoo-haa about it.


wei hao