Friday, June 29, 2007

more that meets the eye

Listening to : Before its too late - Goo Goo Dolls

So the exams have come and as fast they have came, they have gone.
in just one week, it all got settled. I can't say much about it.
Just that i'm a little annoyed by it.
Kinda expected to do much much better than ever.
Either way, i guess i gave it my best shot, whatever comes i deserve it i guess.
So yeah, the trackers went to R&R yesterday.

Before that, went to watch transformers.
Well, it was one of the OMG movies i expected, and it never went below expectation.
It was amazing. I wanna watch it again! Like really, its amazing.
After that we went to endless intense fun.
In other words, stuffing ourselves.
That was unbelievable.
People say you bond the most when you eat. Guess what,

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