Wednesday, July 24, 2013

CROSS-fit #128 Have Control

Contrary to popular belief, human being are really strong and powerful creatures.
No, not just because of our intellect.
We're really genuinely strong.
We just don't know it yet.

Studies have shown that we are able to utilize only 10% of our brains capacity.
Similarly, our Central Nervous System (CNS), the thing which connects your brain to your muscles and tells it to move, is only able to use 10% of that entire capability.
If we were able to tap into a little bit more?
Einstein is said to be able to access 11-12%. BAM, came nuclear energy.
Olympic Weightlifters are able to fire their CNS at a more rapid rate too.
The outcome? Immense power being generated.

I mean, they say ants can carry like 7 times their bodyweight?
Well, I've seen humans do 2.5 times their bodyweight. Pretty impressive!
But it's all about control.

You need to have control over your body.
A little too much strength, too much power, and bad things may happen.
Run too fast when you're not ready, you pull your hamstring.
Lift too hard, too fast, you're gonna get a bad back.

Have control. Control your body.
The magic isn't in the power or strength of all men.
It's about being able to control whatever strengths you have.
And to channel them in the right direction.

You may have immense CNS recruitment, firing at very rapid rates.
But going too hard, too fast, results in what many call, burn outs.
Being a hero today might cause you to be a zero tomorrow (Pardon the cheesy line)
Save some in the tank.

But as Crossfit always says, the greatest adaptation comes between the ears.
Control your mind. That's the most important.
Don't let your emotions overtake you.
Don't let life overtake your being.
We're powerful beyond measure, we need to recognize that.
In our bodies, in our spirit and in our minds.
Each day, train yourself for greater control.

I'm asking everyone to be straight edged EVERY single moment.
Lose yourself at the right time and at the right moment.
But save some in the tank.
That's how you get stronger, that's how you access that 100%

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