Monday, April 30, 2012

CROSS-fit #81 Get Real or get out

The innate nature of human beings is to be biased.
We can't trust our own judgement at times. Most of the times, we can consider ourselves right or wrong...
However, more often than not, we're biased.
Giving biased and unfounded comments on a certain subject or worst still a certain person.
And you'll notice that you're never wrong.
Even the best of the best, when they're in it to win it, they're always right.
"My lift is the best, my metcon is superior"
"My train of thought is more in depth compared to yours"
"Your training methodology is inferior, I'm obviously better."
We all think of it, it's natural.
But it's a totally different thing to act on it.
We're biased towards ourselves.
Something Coach K frequently does in a very subtle way...
He never boasts to say that his training methodology is the best, he let's the records and numbers show it.
With the number of incoming trainers from overseas, partnerships, sponsorships, athlete growth.
It's all staggering.
That is something that you can't be biased about. Hard facts.
Real numbers.
If you're good, you'e good.
Enough said.

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