Monday, April 25, 2005

Seedtime and harvest!!

Many of you would have heard this phrase many times especially in this weeks sermon. Whatever you sow you will reap. Not just money but applies to everything else! If you sow time into your studies you reap results. If you sow seeds of bad thoughts you become a bad man. You sow seeds of bad relationships you end up being hurt. But then again. You sow time into studies you reap results. Sow seeds of faith and you reap an amazing harvest you cannot even begin to imagine. Now the seeds that are in many of our hands is the time we have. It all depends on where are we going to sow it.
Especially yesterday when I was kind of impacted by Bro Alex as he spoke of our brothers in the ministry and the condition of our growth. there is much much more growth to take place for me. Many seeds will need to be sown. Especially in this crucial time. In my O levels and when Emerge in approaching ever so near. Time management will be something that I will have to develop and perhaps perfect!!
By the way just to smack reality into our faces once again, we got 4 days to mid year and 34 days to out O level exams. i can pull through!! Praise God for that!!

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