Monday, April 18, 2005


Many a times we react to situations in many different ways. If we are angry, feeling sad feeling depressed realise you have lost everything. Most of the time we react by shouting scolding keeping everything to ourselves running away or simply giving up on God. But instead ever thought of even offering a praise offering to God?? In the darkest times of your life, say God I still Praise you and say You are My God even through these toughest times. This was what was preached yesterday, although it has been preached multiple times. Its still a refreshing message! Praise is a sacrifice. Anybody who is prospering have no problem praising God but anyone in a ditch would think Praise is indeed a sacrifice. This message really meant something!
Headed to school hoping to study alot today. However, wasn't really able to had to cut my hair and stuff like that. Kinda happy cause My Dennis Koh finally returned me my band. Thank God for that!! Headed to cut my hair in the afternoon. Unbelievably my hair dresser reigned!! Oh no!! Only he knows all my style and everything. Looks like I have to find a new hair dresser to take care of my beautiful hair...=p

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