People get angry easily, touch their pride inside of them and you have an arguement or worst a fight! People express this anger in a way that may vary according to situation. Shouting, vulgarities, Fights, quibbles, disputes. Whatever way they express it, one things is for sure. Either one party or both parties suffer. What's this all about??
After recess, me and 6 other guys were not yet properly attired. Be it in singlet or still in PE pants.Mrs Chan came into class and immediately dished out what seems to be the most exaggerated, irrational instructions. "Go change up and stay outside of class till the end of the lesson!" Many of us weren't too happy with it, but we complied. Then one of our worst fears or so we thought came!! Our VP so happened to be walking pass our class. Obviously she stopped to talk to us, this is when Lionel is proud to be a Maris. Mrs Maria Koh is an awesome VP, spoke to us in a calm gentle way, being reasonable and rationalizing things with us. Saying that perhaps its not just us but perhaps the teacher being angry! After she left, The unexpected happened.
The VPs wife, the Discipline master Mr Koh walked by. Immediately requested for us to stay back to see him at 2. Anger raged in all my classmates. Their eyes practically had fire! At 2, we saw him. He spoke to us in a more relaxed way. Was rather surprised. Well he really came hard on one point. Nobody is really fair around. Its not fair that we got sent out, its not fair that the discipline master's wife is the VP! So before you start examining and criticizing others, perhaps you have to start checking yourself. Stop complaining that She's wrong I'm right. But change!! It was kinda good. Even though it was from the DM. To my surprise!! He agreed to return me my Band!! So happy!