Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back

There're just moments in life, when you look back.
Sometimes you smile, sometimes you frown.
But ultimately, 2011 is coming to an end.
It's really ending, all the good times, the bad times.
It's all coming to a close and we're all gonna start afresh again in 2012.
Maybe not everything has a restart button to be pushed and tadah, everything is sweet and peachy again...
We may not be able to change the situation we're in but....
Perhaps we can change our perspectives of the year.
Looking back, 2011 was by far, the most dramatic year of my life, ever.
I must say that I've thoroughly lived every single moment of it...
I've grown, I've stumbled, I've learnt, I've changed.
This year, I've found myself, who I am and have lived that way ever since.
Doubt I'll really be recollecting moments... Cause these moments aren't exactly defining of the year.
I guess I wanna pen down, well, the things that I've learnt from these events the past year.

1) It takes a decision.
Your heart shifts, it changes, it gets pulled away from one corner to the other.
But really, what does it stand for?
Yeah, as much as it's an emotion, it's a decision. 
To choose what you want to do and not to let your life simply go with the flow.
Guess this was in January and February, the seperation.
Times were good, they were great. The past will always be gleaming with hope.
But there's a better life ahead waiting for both and every one of us.

2) Your heart is rasher than you think
The heart makes dumb decisions which well, fool you into eventually making them.
Choices are at your disposal.
Don't just use your heart, use your head as well.
However, mistakes of great proportions may be made along the way.
I've made some real dumb ones this year, there're many.
However, one, I really wish I could take back. Rui.
However, live and let live, move on head strong and let's see how things can change.

3) Pillar of Friends
When you're down and out, yeah, that's when your few buds really play in.
This year, I never thought that those who came to me were them.
I really never expected the BDPs to run to my rescue after being in the rut for so long.
Sadly, even family didn't help much. But they did...
Thus, I've gotten much closer to them, many of them have had their own trials and we've stood by ever since. I honestly don't think I can find a better bunch.
It's how these boys just love who you really are...
Not just them but many others as well, YX, YL, Abel, Brenda, Audrey, Der and the 1989s.
All of them have made such a long lasting effect on my life.
These friends in 2011 will never be forgotten and I guess I now know the true need for friendships
Thanks for all the suppers, meet ups, jokes, drinks and laughter

4) Temptations and Mistakes will always come.
It isn't the easiest to differentiate the good from the bad when you have nothing at all.
Everything just seems bad.
So yeah, it all happened so quickly, so easily, to simply fall for another.
When it was all pretty much a wrong decision altogether.
Friends have told me, God has told me but a stubborn man is just a stubborn man.
So sometimes, hold on, but sometimes, let go.
PK was pretty much a big flaw of that sort.
However, I eventually found what I want and what I didn't want.
I had to be at peace with myself, that, I realized.

5) Not everyone is gonna take you as you are
Not everyone is going to accept you as you are, even if they say they will.
Judging is one thing altogether but accepting is a totally different story altogether.
A higher level of acceptance I must say.
Some friends may take you as you are, but some just demand more.
I've learnt that there're people of such sort, that you need to put in effort for it.
That, I have mistaken and never thought it would come to such standards.
Not everyone functions and thinks like you. Some may eventually have the false impressions of relationships.
I had hoped to salvage certain relations but really, some people are simply better off without me.
They simply live happier lives without me.
I know YL will for sure.

6) God is still present
There're moments when you think that everything has gone down the drain and you're pretty much done for.
That's when God suddenly turns up and well, picks you up.
Telling you that there's still an impact in your life.
That he hasn't left you and that YOU can do greater things in every situation and moment.
In Loud Camp, I was given opportunities to do things I never thought I would ever again/
Higher made me realize how dependent I am on GOD and how I simply can't let go so easily.
And Audio Mob reminded me of the impact that we can have on society and the World.
With man this is impossible but with GOD, all things are possible.

7) Be who you really are
There're just times when you need a timely reminder of who you are in GOD.
I guess the past 21 years have been hidden, a mystery, a confusing venture whereby I just had so many sides of Lionel that it wasn't even funny to begin with.
I guess it caused me to break down deep inside bit by bit which eventually climaxed this year.
However, it was also a year whereby I started to find who I really am again.
Be that person and be proud of that, no matter what anyone else says.
In whatever you do, really, your Heart was what mattered.
As much as we all do the things which form our World, guess I learnt to live happy deep down inside.
There was one particular turning point too, when no one else but my brother preached on Uncertainty.
We all do live in uncertainty, every other moment, struggling, but we do so in Faith, Hope and Love.
Yeah, I wanna be a person with stronger resolutions.
But ultimately I realized, I'm a person who will do all I can to get what I want.
When decisions are made, I'll make an effort to make it happen. That's just Lionel for you...

8) Your future is still ahead of you
If there's one thing I've learnt about dreams at all. Is that they don't give up on you that easily as well.
All your dreams, visions are what remains till they're fulfilled.
So they'll remain as that till you do something.
Good news? They'll ALWAYS remain there!
Crossfit did for me despite the worst few moments in the start of the year.
I eventually got certified and was really happy I could finally do something with my talents.
Yeah I've got a long way to go. And I know it, but who cares! It's the journey that counts.
Thank God for not letting such dreams and passions slip away.
There's always always hope for a better future no matter what.

9) Life isn't just about the race
We were all born with a leash around our necks.
Be it in small disciplinary issues to major educational decisions.
We're all just governed by how our society deems us to behave like.
We're all thrown not into something that we wanna do but in my brothers words, our choices are really not our own. So something I learnt this year was to well...
Break away.
To do things from a different perspective cause you just like it. Cause you value your friends.
You're not going through that oh so sad routine but making the most out of your life.
This year, I've met some amazing guys, Rishabh, Arjun and all the other ISE guys have given me that insight
So come on! Live life already.
Stop looking back and forth for the greater good! But take some time to really appreciate what you've got.
In your hands, in this moment of yours. Take just a few of them.
To smile, to be happy and to embrace what you have. Treasure them? Then don't let business take that away. Don't let your options distract you from the priorities.

10) Family matters
It probably means much more now than any other time in the year cause it's the Christmas season.
Family really does mean something to you doesn't it?
I realized that when well, I kinda lost so much. Guess I only had my family left.
Yeah, at times they didn't understand, didn't accept and didn't agree with everything I did.
But eventually, I suppose it isn't just about whether they do or not, but it's that they're family.
Whatever it is, they're always around.
Especially this year when well, we lost Grandpa, never knew he meant that much for all of us.
Never knew how much my family meant to me.
Gong Gong, you're missed dearly by all of us. I just wish you could still be around to see me do great things.
But the legacy you've left behind is amazing. I know you're there looking down...
I guess I  somehow how got some inspiration from other families and realized that the family has to be happy.
Happy with what they have, who they are, not so much of all the achievements and possessions.
But to just be happy with each other.
Also, I learnt that as a Family, I found where I belong again.
As part of my cell group. As part of E406.
You've made every single moment even better this year :)
With all the fun, laughter, tears, sweat and every other thing you can think of!
I really love you E406! You've made me really really a better person. I chose this family :)
Sounds and noise eventually make music, yeah, you guys make the music in mine.

11) The trick is to never ever give up
May sound cheesy but you get what you fight for.
Not everything is served to us warm and hot. Some served cold.
But it's what you make out of it which counts.
I've learnt, this year, to never give up, never relent.
I could've thrown in the towel so many times this year. In my studies, in Crossfit, in relationships.
Most of them I didn't.
Well, that's how I got Kris. Oh yeah.
Be a persistent, stubborn, optimistic Ox as I would call it.
2011 was one filled with trials, challenges and new experiences.
But really, don't forget what makes you, YOU.
This is me, I never give up and I learnt that about myself this year.
Well, to 2012! Come what may! Bring it!

12) You can always learn to Love again
We were all made/meant to be happy. To smile and enjoy life as it is.
However, sometimes when life shuts you down a little, you gotta learn to start the engine again :)
I never knew that it was possible, to actually change myself for the better.
To rid myself of playing and all these bad habits.
But man, it took some effort but I guess it worked. To love and be loved again.
I never knew that really, that 20 seconds of courage, that embarrassing bravery would carry me this far.
Call it what you want, but I suppose I learnt that to love, you gotta plunge deep.
Don't think, Just Do.
To pour everything you are, everything you have into one simple happy person.
From the many date nights, to the uncertain moments between us, to actually getting together and being happy, from ice cream to Krisfit, to the lowest of moments and to the best of them.
Well, it wasn't just simply that, she helped me grow, she changed me. Made me know who I really am.
She brought the better side of Lionel of out me. She gave me the courage to step up and out.
She made me look at the World in a different light, my family and friends with passion.
She made me realize the real meaning of appreciation and Love.
She made me really happy and all true to myself.
I hung that title for her and will never look back. Playa no more.
But really, thank God for Kris. :) 
2011 was a rocky one but it turned out well. Primarily cause of this!
"I'll always run back to embrace you, swing you around and make you smile!'

So the year is over, here's to 2011! It was one helluva year!
It's been filled with so many different forms of emotions, so many different phases.
It was just last year, exactly one year ago, whereby I looked back at 2010 and yeah, it was a year of accomplishments but really, 2011 was one of change, of decision of being truly happy.
If I could change anything in 2011? Nah, I wouldn't, not one thing at all.
I'm contented with the way things are now, I don't wanna ever change any of it.
On this last day of 2011, I can only appreciate all that has happened.
But I believe that in 2012, we will all reach greater heights, cause of everything that has been around me!

So to the 2012 future me.
You'll be happier with your friends, with your family.
You'll achieve more! With the passions that you have. Do what you love!
Don't give up on what you set out to do!
Live life with a full heart, being happy with everything that you're doing!
Appreciate the smaller things around you. Go ahead and do it!
Choose Love! Choose Love! Choose LOVE!
Hopefully this time next year, you'll look back at this post and you'll know you lived a great one in 2012!

"Why would it be a great 2012? Well why not?"
Lets do 2012 together...

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I suppose it means different things to different people.
I'm sure that it sparkles in our hearts one way or another.
Be it in gifts, be it in family, be it in Church.
Really, isn't this a great occasion?
But what does Christmas mean to you?

No, it isn't just another time for a good hangover.

In fact, it struck me only just.
Man, Christmas is here, it kinda marks the end of the year and the start of magical times!
Just my 2 cents.
Christmas is simple, it's nostalgic but it isn't really bout the music, food, songs or even friends to church.
Maybe, probably, it's about having those great ones beside you.
About the renewed hope that Baby Jesus was born this day.
That cause of him, we can always be happy.
It's probably not just about me, about the revenue to be earned but the love to be shared.
Not so much of the food but the company which comes with it.

Christmas is a time for you and for me, to be together as Jesus was born this day.
To celebrate life and all it's trials and victories.
Somewhat to be happy and enjoy every moment in this period.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, November 28, 2011

CROSS-fit #69 Vanish

It so begins readily, steadily and it just slips your mind, your schedule, your life altogether.
Perhaps it wasn't too much of a bright idea to start something to think that it'll run by itself.
It's just me, likely just me.
I can't keep something progressive for long, I can't commit. I'm just not that person.
However, this is me, making an effort....

Cause The one without commitment has to make way for a larger change in life.
We all talk about intensity but really, what matters is the long run.
What is your work capacity across ALL modals and domains?
Is it gonna be a continuous output? Or will it die down after a couple of minutes.
Man, you gotta last in this life. You Have to last...

So what does it take to revive a dying or dead passion?
Something so cold in your life after not touching, feeling or experiencing it for days over.
Honestly, I have no idea...
Cause on certain occasions I have, certain occasions I've evidently failed.
But as one whom is relatively easily influenced by the sights and sounds of a vibrant society.
I guess it'll really be who I'm with, what I see and what I hear.
It all surrounds me , embraces my life and makes me see things in a different light.

Recently, just by a few words, I was inspired to try ultimate frisbee yet again.
It'll be a good tryout to see how crossfit has helped me in the game.
I'm sure....
it was really cause Kris pointed out that it could be fun and great.
Thinking about it, I really did return to the game for her...
Now I definitely want 'in' for different reasons...
However, I can see how such small words, sights, impressions shape my life.

Good? points of views are challenged and balance is always a necessity.
For now... I need to envisage to become a firm man. Cause that's what all man are made to be.
Making decisions cause YOU made them.
Not be one who says that our decisions are shaped by reality itself.
I'd rather shape my reality than let it work me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CROSS-fit #68 Live for Today

We all lead a wayward life at some point in time.
I for one have done so, quite a number of times I guess.
Everyone has, be it big, or small...
We've all had our bad, rotten past and somehow, we've moved on.
We're a new creation, no longer subject to the things of the old you.
However, it comes back once in a while, to haunt you.
It's a fact, whatever happened, has happened.
It's the past, you can't change that whatever happens.
Probably nothing to be proud of but gosh you gotta kick it aside!
Don't live for that.
Live for today. Cause if not, you're gonna miss it altogether.
You don't base your Olympic lifts on the PRs of years back.
You base them on your performance now, today.
So don't give excuses and said that you've fallen and had it rough before, thus resulting in the broken you now.
That's the worst ever. 
Cause what matters is that you come back and live, Today.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

CROSS-fit #67 The new level

We want to be the best of it all. We want to champ the rest.
It's likely the human instinct in every single one of us.
In our blood, it's gushing to beat the other fella in the WOD.
I mean, we all want to do so, who wants to lose right?

You may be good at something but they always say that good is the enemy of best.
So be the best at what you do.
To do that? It's a whole new level of 'Suck'.
Yeah, you're already good at what you do, you've beaten those around you...
So what?

Doing a normal WOD, you're able to take on every one else.
Doing a simple job, you're likely to be better than the rest, but what's stopping you from going on to a whole new level altogether?
Yeah, you do have to bear that new level of 'suck'.
You've got to put on that weighted vest and gas mask to do that WOD.
Now that's when the real challenge begins.
Doesn't matter if you've moved from top dog to lousy scum.
It's a whole new level.
Remember, it's always you against yourself...

Friday, October 07, 2011

CROSS-fit #66 The word

To get you through, to get you by,
It's quite common, the strongest, the toughest of people all have it.
Even the most successful of men boast about these.
Their words in their lives.
The words they keep close to their heart which they live by.
Many of these words have swarmed the net in the form of quotes and catch phrases.
It has become statuses, it has become tag lines.
However, sometimes, these words become another persons lifeline.
There quotes become something another invests in to aspire and live strong.
Crossfitters all have their own phrases to push themselves.

"Breath and Fire".
"Live strong".
"Lift heavy or go home"
"Your workout is my warm up"

We base our workouts and our regimes on alot of science and a whole lot of data.
But sometimes, its these phrases which keep the WODs fresh, keep crossfit, really Crossfit.
So what are the quotes, words, tag lines in your life?
What're the words you live by? Are they from one whom truly matters?
Or are they as unreliable and as untested as the wind?
Live by the solid rock.
"I am more than a conqueror, through Christ who loves me."

Monday, October 03, 2011

CROSS-fit #65 Second Chances

It's likely that we all dream about it.
The better life that we think exists beyond those walls of ours.
And how man, great things could have happened if you did this or did that.
You'll probably have one or two lifts in the day whereby you go...
"shucks, I should've done this better..." or,
"Darn it, would've been great if I really gave it my all".
But maybe, just maybe, things ain't so bad. Cause you're given that second chance aren't you?
You're still here, still standing, still breathing.
You can still try.

And try again, you should.
Make that second, third, fourth, fifth, hundredth attempt.
Cause the fact remains is that you're still here and you're given that chance to try again.
if you could, why not give it a shot?
Take a chance to be happy again, to be joyful again.
A risk it is, but take one! To be satisfied in your spirit.
Maybe it's lost but try again... To love God with your Heart, Soul and Mind.

I was given that second chance just yesterday.
To love and be loved.
Who cares about the failures, at least now I'm given that second chance.
And I swear I'll make it better.

Friday, September 30, 2011

CROSS-fit #64 Burdens

Walking past those doors...
Everyone has them, hanging loose on themselves.
Their mind, body and spirit is simply weighed down by it.
And no, they don't need you to add to it.

Maybe your exam didn't go too well.
Maybe your kid just wasn't the best behaved in school.
Or maybe sh*t just happened in the office and you got messed for it...
Whatever it is, we all walk through those doors with some sort of care in our heads.
Everyone does....

So really, we're all here for the same reason aren't we?
To release our mind, get a hold of our lives.
To recreate ourselves in a strange sense by making our bodies feel...
Don't come in thinking that you deserve respect.
No, in fact, you don't. Cause everyone else has their own rights.
Come in and enjoy the community.
You're always welcome to be a part of this recreation.
But if you're going to throw your weight around demanding stuff, then sorry, not the place for you.

Though rough and tough...
Really, crossfitters are more in touch with themselves compared to most people I know.
They know their weaknesses like the back of their palm.
They know their strengths by the pain that exploits it.
They learn about themselves and the burdens that they face when they actually do something impossible.
So come with the burdens, and be real about it...
Cause everyone in the box is...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The season where you question..

Yupp, it happens once every semester. Yes it does...
The big question, the most important one to be exact.
Why are we buried underneath our books and not pursuing our dreams? Whatever that may be...
Coming soon is the "Audio Mob", the event to spark the dreams and goals of every individual aspiring for anything great out there.
However, come to think of it, how many of us are actually living that out?
This time, the onset of such questions came about after reading this article and truly, reflecting upon it....
What is it?
Either way, it's sad cause you can't stop now...
You can't just let it all go right? Sunk cost and all makes sense but you just won't forgo everything to live life.
So really, let's think again, at this mid point.
What is it you are doing in life?
And is it really what you want to do? Is this something true to your cause?

One of my fellow classmates whom I'd like to think I've gotten alot closer to this semester recently told me.
"I've left the world of academics during the recess week, didn't do much mugging.
Haven't been going to many lectures, I'm surely falling behind in standards.
Probably going to drop my double degree program.
Haven't been visiting the ISE lab too often as well, instead, have been outside.
Going about my own business and trying to change the World.
I've been helping orphans in India.
Why? Cause I want to...
There's no undermining reason, I just want to... "

I won't even begin to explain and encourage you to comprehend what he really said.
We all want to live for our dreams, planning projects, planning events for the World.
Sorry but MAN! We're the salt and light of the World but everything we do...
Has so underlying factor driving us.
Take a moment, pause and think for a second... Are you really doing this for yourself? Or for?
If so, you really need to re-evaluate yourself.
People aren't just numbers, souls aren't just figures, grades are...
Grades are just alphabets.
I'm not measured by them, so why live for them?

Friday, September 23, 2011

CROSS-fit #63

I'm sure it's happened to you on one or two occasions.
Times where you sit down, get your mind to it and say that yeah, I wanna change.
Sometimes you find motivations from all sources to do so.
To motivate whatever decision you're making.
You try to get resolve from all corners of society. From your friends, from the net, from books.
I've had such resolves, many of them in fact.

I was inspired by what Mikko Salo said, to never lie on your back after a Workout.
It represents surrender, defeat, cause that's what animals do when they give up.
However, thinking about it now, have I laid on my back after the WOD?
Many many times, my body just collapses and I gasp for air.
My mind just wasn't strong enough to obey such a decision.
As simple as it sounds, it's real, it's true. Even in the simplest of points.
Do we say things just for the sake of saying them? Or do we mean them at all?
Would we wanna put effort to seeing that choice through?

When you say you wanna do it. DO IT.
You may flail once or twice, stumble here and there.
But really, you don't need external motivations.
You just need a real, convicted, decision to change.
For yourself, for God, for others?
It doesn't matter, what matters is that you actually decide to do so.
I've made a decision and I'm gonna stick to it at all cost.
It rips me deep down inside sometimes...
But hey, it's supposed to, no hard choice is ever easy. It's a mere contradiction.
So come on, get your mind in. Get your head in and stick to it.
I did, it may suck initially, but embrace the suck, better things are yet to come!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CROSS-fit #62 The Life

What's necessary for you to live a good life?
What's really required to be successful, fulfilled and basically Happy?
What constitutes the meaning of love, joy, Faith, excitement and adventure?
The definitions are many, the dictionary isn't the most reliable resource of such words.
I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that these are felt, these are motivated not by mere words or knowledge of right and wrong.
They're motivated from the Heart.
I suppose that it isn't the easiest and prettiest way to put it but...
We all are entitled to feel the way we do.
The worst thing to do is to take away that right to feel and give it away to someone else.
You're allowed to feel sad, happy. You're allowed to fall in love and out of it.
What matter is what you do with them. Even still....
Don't let another, don't let your past dictate how you feel and what you'll do.
God gave you your free will, don't give it to someone else. Or worst still, don't take it from another.
We all are inter connected with our friends, family, our boxes, our churches, but don't let it control you.
Have control with regards to how you feel, you act.
Just like the bar controlling you during the workout, don't let in get a hold of you.
Gosh, get control of it!
Hold it tight with upright active shoulders. Not with a slumping back.....

So get a hold of how you wanna be in life.
Feel how you wanna feel and don't run away from it Damnit!
Don't deny something just cause you think it shouldn't be the case...
We're all allowed to make mistakes. Even if they're dumb ones out of the blue.
Even Peter tried to walk on water, which was honestly dumb to a certain extent.
But WHAO he actually did something others said was dumb....
Call me Dumb and I'll prove you wrong...
So live your life, try and fail and try again!
Just like Pastor Kong said just last night....
"Lets be people, whom, if fail, at least fail daring greatly." - T Roosevelt
So stick your head out there and let it all out...

Friday, September 16, 2011

CROSS-fit #61 The small, big difference

I suppose it's in the era that we live in, the whole Globalization idea.
Where we focus so much on the big, we focus so much on well, looking to the future.
Of course that's a given. We all do need these kind of aspiration to drive ourselves and society in general.
We love the fact that Crossfit is dynamic, ever changing, to suit the needs of every individual.
It makes it even more productive and causes us to be more adaptable to change.
We do the strangest and weirdest of movements which aren't the easiest to accomplish.
However, are we getting too big such that we overlook the simple stuff, the basic stuff?
That we, as strong individuals ought to help another whom is struggling in life.

It's likely the affluence in society that has caused us to stray from 'Compassion'.
The genuine kind which has no strings attached to it.
The kind which dreams of things to simply brighten up anothers day.
Well, if there's one thing which we can do, it's this...

Operation Broken Wing. To be able to help and give kids who have nothing left, nothing at all.
We give them a second chance in life.
Really, I have to admit that youths in our generation want to help create change in the strangest most dynamic of ways, but sometimes, you don't need that.
You just need a sincere heart, willing body and a great idea.

When have we become so fixated on satisfying our own needs.
It's said in the word that, "You have been faithful over a few things, I will put you in charge of many things".
All that we have, are really, the simple small easy things in our hands.
We don't have much, really.
But what you do with it is what counts, whether you stand aside, moisturize them, tantalize them nice polish or other cosmetics, or would you really get it down and dirty, scarred and bruised helping and brightening the days of others?
Here's how, realistically, the smallest most basic items, traits, talents can really make a big, huge, impactful difference.

Monday, September 12, 2011

CROSS-fit #60 9/11

On this day 10 years ago, the World and all it's beliefs were shaken.
Fear was rampant, and the word 'Terror' became real to everyone amongst us.
However, take a moment and let's think about it.
We look back and see destruction, we look back and see sadness and loss and what have you.
It's been 10 long years, 10 years since that fateful day.
And really, do we really feel the hurt anymore? Or is it just another figment of our imagination?
We've moved on, we've lived better lives, we've grown, we've found better days.
After a long decade of it, the States have been resilient and true enough, they've hung on through the heat.

Even for everyone out there, those whom have lost, hurt, been hurt, scarred for life.
There's simply no use living in the past.
Everyone has looked ahead, year after year, it truly has been a pain.
But contrary to popular belief, our wounds do heal.

Walking through those open doors of the box.
Leave everything behind, leave your past achievements, leave your failures, leave your hurts.
It won't matter inside, nobody is going to dig it up and rub it in.
It doesn't matter cause when Coach shout out "3,2,1, GO!" Everything before that doesn't matter.
The real significance is now.
Look at yourself, NOW. Not who you were before, or who you were when 9/11 actually happened.
Be willing and daring to look at yourself and measure yourself now.

I've hurt people before, I've been hurt before.
Made some real dumb mistakes in life, some good, some bad. All necessary.
I've succeeded in big dreams before, champed many, trophies weren't foreign.
I was always attuned to success and glamour but never really learnt my lesson.
However, people do change don't they? They do change for the better.
Cause that's the only way to go.
So would you forget what's happened before and live with the now?
Thousands, millions have.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CROSS-fit #59 What is it?

Being thrown into a new environment, being treated with something so foreign.
Many hate it, they just wanna remain in their comfort zone.
Where it's in their turf, their side of the fence, their hood and nobody messes with them.
However, at times, we move out, we go explore, we challenge.
Honestly speaking, I don't favor it at all, no one bit.
But I guess it's something we all have to go through.
Going to check out another box, working out over there and learning something new each time.
I'm surprised by the experience over at a totally different box.
The community, the culture and even the spirit of Crossfit differs from place to place.

But really, when it all boils down, aren't we ALL crossfitters?
Crossfit Fire City
Does it really matter which box is written on our backs?
Whom we represent all the time?
Yeah, so what gives??
We belong to another denomination, another community altogether.
But aren't we all still one body?

So why the need to dominate and pillage??
There's none at all, NONE.
One of the key factors in crossfit is that the "fun is in the community".
Let's keep it that way, not just in the box but also in our lives.
Don't let your ego get in the way.
Don't let so called 'pride' for your own territory come between you and another.
If we do, we're no less than childish gangsters out to kill each other just cause we're 5 blocks away.
So give them a chance, whoever that may be.
Take that risk and allow them in...

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

CROSS-fit #58 Softer Side

Crashing, Loud, Extravagant, Proud, Unashamed, King-Of-The-World.
That pretty much describes how Crossfitters behave.
Don't really care much about what others or the World think.
Join us or well, stand by the sidelines and keep quiet.
We walk with our heads lifted high, chest propped up (Naturally) and with a shirt which says...
"Alpha Male" Or "Fit like F***" printed in bold behind, don't think many wanna mess with us.

We all get caught up with the crossfit mentality and it's all good.
It produces some great community, comrade spirit and expels much negativity
But this is just in fitness, maybe it's not just in crossfit but in everywhere else.
Where you're just king of it all, you're great...
You're the leader of everyone else and you could easily walk over people.
Insist that you command their respect.
Nobody eats before you, you expect people to wait when it gets late.
You get your way, period.
The King Pin.

Being so sometimes is great, but don't forget... That softer side you need to have.
The softer side which engages those outside the community.
Open arms which welcome feedback and criticisms (Of course if it's Bullshit, you're getting it).
That part of you which makes you go down to their level, to encourage them bring them up to yours.
Coach K once said that any great athlete has 2 things, Discipline and Humility.
Thing is, nobody says you can't be soft without having some spunk in it.
Have that, and you'll naturally attract people, a magnet.
So get off that high podium, get down and get dirty.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

CROSS-fit #57 They are around

In the beginning, God created Adam, he then created Eve cause he knew Adam needed her...
From the start, it's simple...
We need to have people around. We just do...
Some people may aggravate you, irritate the hell outta you, encourage you, lift you up...
Or some just don't do anything at all, but their presence makes a differnece.

They're essential, they are all around us but at certain times, we just need to appreciate them.
In the middle of a workout and you just can't move anymore.
You just keep failing that Muscle Up again and again. Your muscles are just too fatigued.
Your friends can keep shouting at you, giving you cues but yeah, you just can't do on anymore.
You're really at your utter limits and sadly, there's just nothing you can do about it.
Sucks doesn't it? When you just can't do anything, feel so helpless and just kneel to pray.

I guess maybe it's just me? But I guess it's to everyone as well.
That yeah, you need that company around...
To tell you that, it's okay.
To assure you that at the end of it all, it's okay, I'll still love you, I'll still give you a hug.
As superficial as it sounds, these little deeds, those hugs and words, do make a World of a difference.
Your difference matters to me.
So keep having those people around.
Or be those people to others.
Even to those you never felt like you needed to.

It probably doesn't do anything to your physical well being.
Whatever they say will probably not help in your situation in any ridiculous way.
But it heals your heart, it heals your soul.
And it gets you to smile again.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

CROSS-fit #56 8 minutes

They say that life lessons are best learnt over time..
It takes a while for a habit, a lifestyle to sink into a persons mentality and personality.
However, sometimes it doesn't take much.
It doesn't take too long to be smacked right in the face and be told that you need to change!

Sometimes it just takes an alternating Tabata workout.
It just takes 8 simple minutes of work, pain, torture, prayer, meditation, focus.
8 minutes is all it takes sometimes to know who you are.
To know what you're good at, know what you're terrible at.
Better yet, it just takes 8 minutes to explain to yourself, what you need to do from now on.

It is true, in that extreme moments of rush and circumstance.
You learn more about yourself than ever before.
In trials, in life, you will learn about it in these times.
Not when everything is going smoothly and there's no wave whatsoever.
There's always a bright side to things.
There always is, so don't stop hoping and always take that 8 minutes in good stride.
Whatever those 8 minutes may be, it may even be 8 months for that matter...
But really, let it be the best 8 minutes and not the worst.
You determine after all, you determine whether it's good or bad.
All a perception...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

CROSS-fit #55 Legacy

August 25th 2011, Thursday. 5:45 pm.
My grandfather, Joseph Lim, moved on to a better place.
It all happened in my hands, literally. A breaking moment isn't enough to describe it.
All I know is that he is in safer hands, happier, smiling down on us.
It all happened so fast, from 3 weeks ago till now.
I look back and think if there is one thing I did learn from all these...
One which is fitting to honor his life on this blog but... I just couldn't find any at all.
Even still, there is one regret, one regret I will always have...
That I wasn't able to hear of his stories, his life. That I wasn't able to know him more, learn his life lessons.
I'm thankful that a few weeks ago, I was inspired by the moment to actually visit him while he was well.
He smiled and was happy. Little did I know that the immediate next week, he would be admitted.

I wish, yes I wish, that I could have done the past differently.
However, in moments leading up to it. I realized that I did know him.
I knew my grandfather better than anyone else, and that he was going to be at peace.
It was simple, he had left a legacy, a legacy so strong that no one could deny who he was.
It's said that how a tree is like is determined by the fruits they bear.

Perhaps it's like life, we all want to strive to have quick success.
We want so much volume, we want the most out of everything and squeeze it all out.
In any workout we do, we squeeze it all out every single time and we should!
But just sometimes, take time to think about it...
Is this all for nothing? Is me busting Fran out and being the best at it going to mean anything at all?
Then what is?

My grandfather really did outdo himself even till the end.
I may not have learnt much of his characteristics in person, but he really does live through us all.

I know he was one heck of a fighter, cause he didn't give up his battle, he survived 50 years of smoking and gave it up for himself and the family, he fought till the very end.
I know he was a lover, for the last person he saw, the last person he smiled to before he passed on was his wife, my grandma.
I know he was a very hardworking person, cause my mum works harder than anyone else I ever knew.
I know that in his own ways, he loved God tremendously, cause my brother loves God with all his heart.
I know that he was a persistent man, that despite circumstances, he wouldn't flinch an inch, as seen by how Yvonne is like.
I know that gramps was a gentleman, cause he never let any one of his daughters feel left out. Cause his only son was so much of a gentleman as well.
I know that Gong gong was a caring father and grandfather cause his children never went hungry and were always satisfied at every stage of their lives.
I know that his friends will remember him as a capable man, for he worked his way up to success, bringing my whole family up along with him.
I know that he loved his family and every single one of his children. He cared for them and look who they are now, successful, strong man and woman.
I know that he loves to smile, he loves to be happy, cause my whole family loves laughing, loves being together.
I know that my grandfather was a strong man, not physically, but in his heart. Cause I have learnt that from him.
Lastly, I know that my grandpa was a good man, he was a upright, he was proud and he is happy, Right Now.

He's left behind some great legacies.
They may not be great in number, but I'm sure they've all lived in us.
Thinking about it, he may not have taught me much directly...
But looking back, maybe he did, he did move mountains to get me to where I am today.
I won't forget his habits, his gestures, though it wasn't a whole lot of time spent, I will miss them.
I thank God for his life and I thank God for the Wonders that he has left on the Earth.
They may be little, but they're Wonders nonetheless.
Thanks Gong, and your legacy will live on, in me and in all that I encounter, you had a part to play.

So what's going to be your legacy you leave behind? Let it last, let it be memorable.

In the middle, My grandfather, Joseph Lim.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CROSS-fit #54 Stubborness

If there's one thing I've learnt in the past 2 months or rather enforced.
Is to be one persistent, stubborn, optimistic dumbass.
Yeah, you just need to be sucked in and be totally confident that you're going to succeed.
Or in other cases, that things will turn out for the better.
Recently, there has been successes here and there...

But today I'm really tasked to test this to the fullest of my ability.
But it's true ain't it?
The violent take it by force, the persistent just don't give up.
As cliche as it sounds...
Don't stop Believing.
Be stubborn and just keep keep trying.

When you just can't get the lift, my goodness don't stop trying.
Invest time, effort, your damn life into it.
If this is what you want, then do everything for it.
Love's a risk and take that risk.
It's true, the more you risk, the harder you fall. But c'mon!!!
That's life isn't it. Disappointments come and go but...
Hope never dies.

Right now, I pray that all will be well.
For friends.
For family.
For the one man I know who's fighting with all he's got to be strong and hanging on.
And I'm gonna believe in him.

CROSS-fit #53 When the World says no

When the World says no....
Yeah, sometimes it denies you of the mere joys in life.
Them second chances which you always wanted.

Life is hard... More so, frail.

When you're not given that rep, when you're given 'no count'.
Yeah, the WOD says no.
I guess we all have that feeling all the time.
"Heck, I just did something nobody could've done! I just did the impossible,
now you tell me that it wasn't legit?"
So right here, you could tell yourself, I don't think I can do that again...
I can't do impossible twice, can I?
Well, impossible is no longer impossible cause you just debunked it's supporting facts.

Gosh, when you don't get that job or have to prove yourself again and again all the time.
Don't whine and feel sorry for yourself.
The last thing you need is self pity.
Shake it off, and let's go.
Again and again, even if the 'nos' keep coming.
One day, it'll be a yes.

Drag till the 5th minute to see... 
The story of how the World said no, but he replied with his own answer.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

CROSS-fit #52 Patience

Many people love Crossfit cause it's said to be fast.
A quick recipe for better fitness, body and life.
Kind of like the quick fix that we all look for. Instant results etc.
But good things are always worth the wait.
Don't walk in thinking that in a few moments, I'll be someone amazing.
That it's going to be an easy one hour and I'm done.
Don't rush crossfit, don't rush through life.

Cause the journey to get there is just as important as the destination.
Enjoy the moment, enjoy the process.
Dare to love, dare to make mistakes and enjoy it.
Be patient about it.

Patience isn't just about waiting, it's about the attitude you have while waiting.

So have some of that while lifitng, while pushing, while slogging it out in life.
Have some of that when making tough decisions which will hurt you.
Grab some patience when another one bites the dust, cause you'll come up again.
Be willing to wait for it. Even if it means living in uncertainty.
Don't get so caught up in life, you forget to enjoy it. Live it out!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CROSS-fit #51 Concise Articulation

Do you know what you want in life?
Do you?
Waking up every morning, what do you look forward to?
Entering any workout at all, what is it that you wanna get out of it?

Do you really want that new PR on the lift?
Really want that badass time in completing the 'impossible' WOD?
Or rather, do you want that business deal?
Maybe it's that A+ which awaits you on results day.
Then again, it may just be that boy or girl and that magical relationship you hope for.
Or to simply just be closer to GOD every step of the way.

What do you want?

Get it in your head, it's all or nothing in this World.
Sadly, there's always going to be someone much better than you in, 'life'.
So know what you want, and get desperate for it.
Do anything for it.

Risk getting hurt. The pain, humiliation, time, despair, disappointment.
Risk it all if you really really do want it.
Then maybe, just maybe, you'll get it, and when you do....
You'll know it...
It's not some figurative, imaginative random thought flying by.
it's something you can concisely articulate.

I want this _____ .

It makes the success a whole lot more pleasurable.
It makes the journey there way more bearable, even joyful at times.
And say it out when you do, be proud of what you want, cause sooner or later,
YOU are gonna get it...

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's all out

Many have questioned, asked, in the past months.
Who am I...
Sometimes I ask that myself.
Who is the real, real me?
In a sense, I sound like a typical confused, schizo fella.
But really, we all have that moments don't we.
We become someone totally different when we're in front of someone else.
We act and behave in the strangest of manner which makes no sense whatsoever.
However, we all seem to live fine with it, every single time...

Well, since the start of the year, I've made a choice. To merge every part of me together.
That there's no facade, take it or leave it.
Regardless of what others say or think, this is the real me now...
One whom is oblivious to so many problems and troubles around him but just seeks happiness.
One who lives life freely, without boundaries.
One who chases his dreams, visions without any fear.

True enough, those whom have withered away, yeah, they probably couldn't accept it.
Those who stayed, are really those who carry me.
I've never felt more like myself ever.
More 'alive' in a sense.
It was really cause of YOU.
The one seemingly adorable, barfing, unglam maccheeks.
One I can never thank enough.

However, I wouldn't want it to end here. No no...
Change is the only constant.
So yeah, time for me to effect change on others.
Time for me to make a difference in Your life.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

CROSS-fit #50 The Push

In everyday life, we push, we pull, we lift, we run, we move.
However, what does it really mean when someone comes down to you and says...
"Push it"

Well, the dictionary defines a push as,
"to effect or accomplish by thrusting obstacles aside"
So essentially, you're doing work. You're pushing something.
Yes, whatever you're doing.
In that tiny little head of yours which is not really functioning well in the midst of a 20 minute workout.
You tell yourself to "push yourself"
It really means pushing your mental boundaries, not your physical ones.

Cause you've always been pushing your physical body from the start of it all.
What really wears out fast is up there, that's where the real obstacle is building up.
Your mind registers pain, fatigue and yes, you have to push that thought aside.
That's how you Push The Limits.
It's called a push cause you actually have to make some effort.

It's called a push cause it's not meant to be easy.

In work, when it gets tough, push it further, push it harder.
Not in your physical sense, but in your head, give more each time.
Before you know it, you're the head and not the tail...

Friday, August 12, 2011

CROSS-fit #49 Far off

Summer has finally come to an end.
For many, it means the end of the first half.
Yes, we've done it guys!
I guess for some, the first half wasn't the best, for others, it was close to perfect with opportunities everywhere.

Whatever it is, just like every Workout in crossfit.
Everyone blasts through the first 1-2 minutes and forget that there's the 8 minutes of AMRAP left.
They give it all for their first 2 rounds in a 4 round WOD and realize that damn, they're still behind.
But really...

There's so much more fight left.

So wherever you're at, right now.
Don't just look back and see how badly we've done or how well we've done for that matter.
Take heart, cause it ain't over till we hear somewhere shout that 'TIME' word.
We've come so far off.
Don't give up now.
But instead, go harder, stronger.
In your dreams, career, vision, in life. Do that extra and it's always one starfish at a time, ain't it?

Sunday, August 07, 2011

CROSS-fit #48 Heart-Strong

After 48 posts, I think I have the liberty to take one or two to get a little personal.
So this is it, I am finally 22.
Guess like every other important day, I spend most of my time well...
Looking back. At how the year has been and how life has changed...
Here goes.

Being 21, entering adulthood, wasn't as sweet as I had expected.
Wasn't easy in fact, I guess this year has been well, the toughest and most life changing year yet.
I've been through so many changes, trials, tests, victories, defeats...
I've honestly made some dumb mistakes, some real dumb ones.
Some of them were pretty good mistakes as well.
However, all of them, I'm thankful for.
Life kind of hit me this year, yeah it really did, in full force.
Probably didn't take it so well mid way through being 21.
But I guess things really got better...
I'm glad, that things turned out the way they are, though some are not peach perfect but...
I'm still glad that they are as such. And it's really a new phase this time.

New mind.
New body.
New heart.
New smile.
New Friendships.
New Lifestyles.
New Relationships.
New breakthroughs.
New problems.
New heartaches.
New happiness.
New Life.
New Heroes.
New Dreams.

However, if there's something I have learnt...
It's about well, being true to yourself.
Not to have any illusions, not to deny who you are.
To be able to motivate, to talk to yourself and to make them choices in life.
Cause sometimes, you may have a multitude by your side, cheering you on but sometimes...
It's just you and that bar, you and that life, you and God hustling it out.
So hold on and keep fighting. Take Courage, take Heart.

Another thing is that well, all around me...
There're amazing people.
People who lift, not put down.
Those who genuinely cared when frankly... I didn't at all.
Those who insisted on being there, on listening and caring even though I was a pain.
Those who know who I really am but accepts me for who I am.
Those who have made me smile and changed me so much, for the better.
Those who pressed in when I had no heart to do so.
People who believed in me.
And those who gave me Heart.

If there're just 2 things, this is it.
Ain't too perplexed ain't it? It's easy, simple but sometimes tough to realize.
So take it from me.
Sit down, search deep down inside, find that few friends, find that solemn place where it's you and God.
And fight it all out together and be extraordinary.

That's how you be HEART-STRONG

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

CROSS-fit #47 In it for?

Last weekend concluded the grueling test to find the fittest person on Earth.
Crossfit Games 2011 Champion, Richard Froning Jr.
The Crossfit Games 2011 held at the home depot center in the States.
Didn't catch much of it but watched all the highlights.
Congrats to big man Rich Froning Jr for taking it all.
A man who accredits most of his mental strength from his Christian Faith.
Much respect.
Check out his blog Crossfit Faith, Really inspirational stuff

However, I was struck by what one of the commentators said.
"There're basically 3 types of competitors out here.
1) The people who are just thankful to make it though the preliminaries and are happy to be at the Games.
2) The people who are thankful to be here and hope that whatever event comes out are to their advantage.
3) The people whom are here to win it all, whatever happens."

I guess it's simple, some people are just happy to be where they are, to have made it thus far and wouldn't mind losing one or two battles at this stage. After all, they had never expected to reach this place.
The next are those who want to win, but just bank on 'luck'. If this topic comes out, if this situation comes out in the business venture, if I'm tasked to lead only youths, no one else, then would I be good at it.
Lastly, are those who just take the cake. Everything goes, EVERYTHING. Come what may, they're mental focus isn't just to get by or leave their fate to luck...
They make their own luck.

Monday, August 01, 2011

CROSS-fit #46 Lemons

Life isn't exactly a bed of roses. Isn't exactly peach perfect every single time.
However, like the old cliched saying...
When Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

Cause we would like to think that we can change our immediate surroundings.
We can change whatever weight is lying in front of us during the WOD.
We can change what other people think and feel about us and about relationships.
Especially for Christians, sometimes we pray with utmost hope that God will change the World for you.
Sorry guys, he only does that once in a blue moon (Noah's ark)
Not to say it won't happen but... Thats not the point.
Things around you won't change if you just sit there, hoping and thinking.

What changes is you.

How you take things, how you muster courage to face up to the task at hand.
How you're gonna actually pick up that 100kg bar.
How you take the crushing news that things just won't work out.
And most of all, how you're gonna react to it all.

We don't change the World at the get go. We change the World by changing ourselves.
Cause darn like what we always say in Crossfit, it's unpredictable, it's random, it's cruel, this World we live in.
So you can either sprawl up in bed awaiting death or...
You can be a 'rockstar', do what you want and be outstanding at it.

So are you gonna make some nice lemonade? Or are you gonna suck on it?

Friday, July 29, 2011

CROSSfit #45 Make it Count

We all begin excited. Everyone does...
Starting out in Crossfit, starting out in anything new in life, it's a new passion.
A new Drive.
However, soon after, it begins to die down. Eventually, it'll really be mundane.
It'll be you walking through those doors every single time and.

Alright, time to get intense. Time to just keep doing what I have always been doing.

Crossfit prides itself in being the sport which is elicits negative adaptation.
In other words, it doesn't allow your body to adapt to any form of trial, which eventually helps to improve overall fitness.
However, I guess this is in everything, but everyone, everyone will adapt to cycles, to life.

That's when we just go through the motion...
We go through life with the simple idea that, yeah, I just gotta keep coming back, doing what I'm doing all the time.
I just need to keep slogging, I just need to put food on the table.
I just need to serve and get these seats filled, I just need to study and get my grades in school.
But man, what happened to that passion?
What happened to your days which mattered?
Your time which actually counted for its worth?

We talk about intensity, but when was the last time we didn't go through the motion but really
Became Intense in our head.
Don't go head in to the workout without a right frame of mind.
Don't let the day die without you doing something useful.
Make a difference in someone, today. Make your day count.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CROSS-fit #44 2 eyes

You walk through those doors, those big doors.
You're always welcome, greeted by big wide smiles every single time.
It's quite an assumption to state that nobody really judges you.

Sadly, we live in reality.

Yeah, everyone looks at you and immediately develops an impression of you.
Walking through, you may be big and buff
"This guy looks tough but is so going down."
Walking through, you may have massive weight disorders.
"Alright, he really needs to take some good look at himself and get his butt moving".
Even walking into church, you're sized.
"Is this fella a cleaver? Or a leaver?"
Be it big or small, we all form impressions and perceptions of one another.
It's a natural fact of life.

Well you may be newbie in the box, in your work place, in your church.
Your past is what people look at. What you've done, what you've accomplished.
But don't live on it.
Even if it was a success, or an utter failure.
Shun away all judgments simply cause what matters is how 2 people think.

You and God.

Start afresh, every single time.
They say you can't, but yes, you can. A clean slate.
That's what Crossfit is all about, giving athletes a new chance to start from the very basics again.
That's why Jesus died on the cross, wasn't it?

Monday, July 25, 2011

I wish..

We all wish for something in life....
To be bigger, to be better.
To lead a happier life, to be more optimistic.
To get that car, to get that girl.
To be simply you.

Then comes the dumb rational thought which crumbles them all.
What are the consequences? What are the risks? What if this or that or....
Well, everyone faces such crossroads.
We could do the thing that everyone else does, choose the safe route.
The less adventurous one. The enclosed one with little or no distractions.
But if we do this, if we just take the route that everyone is taking...

Then maybe we'll be just like them. Always wishing for something to happen...

Or we could be different, be rash, excited, passionate and make the 'wrong' decision.
Yeah, you'll crash and burn often.
But it'll be worth it. Cause you won't be saying "I wish" but more of... "I tried"
And have no regrets whatsoever.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

CROSS-fit #43 MIstakes

Somewhere along the road, everyone is bound to make some mistakes.
Some big, some small.
Some hurtful, some detrimental.
But one thing is for sure, it'll almost always hurt.

I hate making them, it makes me look bad, weak, vulnerable.
Why can't everything be perfect? My form, my fitness, all from the get go.

I will always remember my very first significant injury.
Inexperienced, rash, excited, thinking that my form was perfect.
Did a rounded back deadlift and snap.
There goes my back...

Did I hate myself for it? Yeah I did...
Regret, abundance of it, was stirring all around.
It took me a long while to get back into action again.
It was an agonizing 2 months. Could've been longer if it wasn't for Coach K.

But in every mistake we make, there's always something to take back.
God makes everything perfect in its own time.
There, I learnt that form is darn important, if not vital.
If I didn't make that dumb mistake then, who knows what more serious an injury I would've made now.
I learnt to trust, when things went haywire, I had no one else to trust but.. Coach.

Love hate relationship, I know.
But you'll never know what great things can come out of it.
You'll never know who you'll meet, what you'll learn, who you'll experience.

Friday, July 22, 2011

CROSS-fit #42 Begin with yourself

I'm sure it's in the blood of almost every crossfit athlete.
Or any passionate sportsman or anyone believing strongly about whatever ideals they have.
All want to spread the love, all would want to influence others to join in.
To drag so many potential athletes out of that air conditioned useless gym to the rusty down to Earth Box.
To experience that change we all have been through.
This amazing life that we now live.
This love that we have encountered!

However, it's never that easy is it?
Have been asked this question hundreds of times, of which the responses have varied as I've learnt more.
"What is Crossfit?"
The sad thing about it is well, 2 things....
The person ridicules whatever crossfit is or...
The person easily brushes it aside and ignores everything I've said..

You can't argue someone into a sport, into a passion.
You can't argue someone into the Kingdom of God.
So I've adopted a new concept.
Let your life speak for itself.

I'm not gonna be too ambitious and say that I can change the World.
But I know I can change myself.
I'd rather the question "What have you done with yourself? You seem fitter, you seem happier!"
From that, I can change those whom I care about.
One Starfish at a time.
My brother, my family, my colleague, my classmates.
Who knows, maybe the World one day.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

CROSS-fit #41 Product of the Heart

Probably heard it more than once around here.
Strength doesn't come from the body but really, from the heart.
Most of what you are, who you are, ain't made up of what goes through your head.
But what's in your heart.

There're times where your mind tells you that certain things are just impossible.
You've done the 230# deadlift and it's easy, but fear is in your heart. You probably won't get it.
You're attempting a PR of a minute in Fran, logically impossible but your heart is ready. You've got it.
Math, logic and facts are only valid to a certain extent.
But let it be a product of your heart.

Your life, your relationship, your whole entity.
Don't let your mind get in the way of your heart. Sometimes, you need to let it lead.

So Heart be strong, be sure, be courageous.

Most importantly, fill your heart with Love.
Love for what you're doing, who you are, who you're with and let it flow.
That's when the real you comes, that's when true, unbelievable strength originates from.
Stop asking 'why' but 'what now'. Cause that makes a whole lot more sense.


Listening to : Good Life - One Republic

Looking back, the past really is a shudder, can't seem to stand the sight of it.
Looking forward, the future is uncertain, doubtful, insecure at times.
Well, whatever has happened before, whatever happens tomorrow, we have today.

Wouldn't exactly know what the future holds for every single one of us.
Heartbreak, sadness, smiles, glory, happiness, joy, Love?
Planning is definitely a must but...
Don't get too caught up in that (Telling myself that)
What matters is now. That we enjoy the moment, live for it.

Sometimes, just sometimes, logic, practicality, meaning takes a secondary role when you just look at where you are...
I'd like to think I've changed, become different the past one month.
Never has this happened before.
Looking at my position now, of course there's a lot left to be desired but...
I've never been happier in such a long while.

"She made you decent, and in return, you made her so happy."
I'm a Persistent Optimistic Stubborn Scum
And cause I've actually really found the game changer.
I'm going to keep trying.

Friday, July 15, 2011

CROSS-fit #40 Scars

Blisters, Shin Scrapes, Bruises from the fall off the bar, the bar slamming into your chin.
Them scars....
Hate them really.
They don't just stick with you, probably for life, they hurt...

In the short term, they're going to be so much of a pain, you can't go on.
It just stops you from doing whatever, man, it even makes showering a big pain...
In the long run, they look terrible and always, you'll have a story to tell.
A story of how pain became a reality.


I'm just staring at one of them right now, the open wound on my hand.
All due to the many pull ups we've done.
Some call it crazy, self mutilation, torture to a certain extent.
But nahhh, that's what they say.

But sometimes, just sometimes, scars mean more than just pain.
They remind you of the hurt you went through, the trials that you've overcome.
The valley experiences that you've had and how you've come across victorious.
Look at those scars and you'll remember how when nobody said you could,
you determined your own fate.

They'll continue to hurt, they may stay with you for life.
But what makes the difference is what you do from here on out.
To wuss away and not train anymore, all cause of a little cosmetic problem is at hand or cause it just hurts...
Everyone has their limits, their threshold of pain. why not try try pushing it?

The scars in life may be deep, sometimes they may never disappear.
But don't look at it and remember the pain, look at it and remember the victory.
Remember how in the toughest times, it was also the time you decided to keep on.
That's how Badas*es are born and made.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CROSS-fit #39 Cue it

Everyone hears these few words somewhere along their lives in whatever they're doing.
"Don't give up! Push it! Go harder Go harder! GO GO GO! Don't give up! Keep going!"
Yupp, these words are probably the best things you can hear from anyone when things are rough.
Well, during the workout, repeat this 20 times, yeah it's encouraging.
Do this about 100 times over and I'll probably want to kill you.

Encouragement is great, it's really fantastic. But often, that isn't what people need.
They need cues, they need to know what's going on.
What they're doing right or wrong...
Anyone, anyone at all can repetitively shout nice, happy words.
But not everyone can do the unkind thing, to tell you what's wrong.
That's what separates the people from the leaders. 
(Don't get me wrong, everyone, EVERYONE is meant to lead in one way or another)

So cue it.

Don't keep saying "Don't worry, it'll be ok" or "keep pushing it!".
You saying those simple words won't help them at all, it won't help them get their Muscle Up, or Pull Up or fix their relationship!
Maybe, just maybe, it'll lift their spirits a little...
But practicality.... ZERO USE.

"tighten your core!"
"Keep looking up, not down!"
"Use your hips not your hands!"
"Don't wallow in pity, look to God!"
"Do not have a spirit of fear!"
These have direction, these have instruction. These are cues.
They don't need to be a story or a sermon, they're to the point.
They're things people can instantly remember, apply and get better at whatever they're doing.

So the next time you want to keep saying, "Don't give up" and repeat it a million times...
Please think twice.
Instead, cue it.
Anyone can be great cheerleaders, but not everyone great leaders.