However, what does it really mean when someone comes down to you and says...
"Push it"
Well, the dictionary defines a push as,
"to effect or accomplish by thrusting obstacles aside"
So essentially, you're doing work. You're pushing something.
Yes, whatever you're doing.
In that tiny little head of yours which is not really functioning well in the midst of a 20 minute workout.
You tell yourself to "push yourself"
It really means pushing your mental boundaries, not your physical ones.
Cause you've always been pushing your physical body from the start of it all.
What really wears out fast is up there, that's where the real obstacle is building up.
Your mind registers pain, fatigue and yes, you have to push that thought aside.
That's how you Push The Limits.
It's called a push cause you actually have to make some effort.
It's called a push cause it's not meant to be easy.
In work, when it gets tough, push it further, push it harder.
Not in your physical sense, but in your head, give more each time.
Before you know it, you're the head and not the tail...
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