It takes a while for a habit, a lifestyle to sink into a persons mentality and personality.
However, sometimes it doesn't take much.
It doesn't take too long to be smacked right in the face and be told that you need to change!
Sometimes it just takes an alternating Tabata workout.
It just takes 8 simple minutes of work, pain, torture, prayer, meditation, focus.
8 minutes is all it takes sometimes to know who you are.
To know what you're good at, know what you're terrible at.
Better yet, it just takes 8 minutes to explain to yourself, what you need to do from now on.
It is true, in that extreme moments of rush and circumstance.
You learn more about yourself than ever before.
In trials, in life, you will learn about it in these times.
Not when everything is going smoothly and there's no wave whatsoever.
There's always a bright side to things.
There always is, so don't stop hoping and always take that 8 minutes in good stride.
Whatever those 8 minutes may be, it may even be 8 months for that matter...
But really, let it be the best 8 minutes and not the worst.
You determine after all, you determine whether it's good or bad.
All a perception...
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