That pretty much describes how Crossfitters behave.
Don't really care much about what others or the World think.
Join us or well, stand by the sidelines and keep quiet.
We walk with our heads lifted high, chest propped up (Naturally) and with a shirt which says...
"Alpha Male" Or "Fit like F***" printed in bold behind, don't think many wanna mess with us.
We all get caught up with the crossfit mentality and it's all good.
It produces some great community, comrade spirit and expels much negativity
But this is just in fitness, maybe it's not just in crossfit but in everywhere else.
Where you're just king of it all, you're great...
You're the leader of everyone else and you could easily walk over people.
Insist that you command their respect.
Nobody eats before you, you expect people to wait when it gets late.
You get your way, period.
The King Pin.
Being so sometimes is great, but don't forget... That softer side you need to have.
The softer side which engages those outside the community.
Open arms which welcome feedback and criticisms (Of course if it's Bullshit, you're getting it).
That part of you which makes you go down to their level, to encourage them bring them up to yours.
Coach K once said that any great athlete has 2 things, Discipline and Humility.
Thing is, nobody says you can't be soft without having some spunk in it.
Have that, and you'll naturally attract people, a magnet.
So get off that high podium, get down and get dirty.
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