From the start, it's simple...
We need to have people around. We just do...
Some people may aggravate you, irritate the hell outta you, encourage you, lift you up...
Or some just don't do anything at all, but their presence makes a differnece.
They're essential, they are all around us but at certain times, we just need to appreciate them.
In the middle of a workout and you just can't move anymore.
You just keep failing that Muscle Up again and again. Your muscles are just too fatigued.
Your friends can keep shouting at you, giving you cues but yeah, you just can't do on anymore.
You're really at your utter limits and sadly, there's just nothing you can do about it.
Sucks doesn't it? When you just can't do anything, feel so helpless and just kneel to pray.
I guess maybe it's just me? But I guess it's to everyone as well.
That yeah, you need that company around...
To tell you that, it's okay.
To assure you that at the end of it all, it's okay, I'll still love you, I'll still give you a hug.

Your difference matters to me.
So keep having those people around.
Or be those people to others.
Even to those you never felt like you needed to.
It probably doesn't do anything to your physical well being.
Whatever they say will probably not help in your situation in any ridiculous way.
But it heals your heart, it heals your soul.
And it gets you to smile again.
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