Thursday, July 21, 2011


Listening to : Good Life - One Republic

Looking back, the past really is a shudder, can't seem to stand the sight of it.
Looking forward, the future is uncertain, doubtful, insecure at times.
Well, whatever has happened before, whatever happens tomorrow, we have today.

Wouldn't exactly know what the future holds for every single one of us.
Heartbreak, sadness, smiles, glory, happiness, joy, Love?
Planning is definitely a must but...
Don't get too caught up in that (Telling myself that)
What matters is now. That we enjoy the moment, live for it.

Sometimes, just sometimes, logic, practicality, meaning takes a secondary role when you just look at where you are...
I'd like to think I've changed, become different the past one month.
Never has this happened before.
Looking at my position now, of course there's a lot left to be desired but...
I've never been happier in such a long while.

"She made you decent, and in return, you made her so happy."
I'm a Persistent Optimistic Stubborn Scum
And cause I've actually really found the game changer.
I'm going to keep trying.

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