To be bigger, to be better.
To lead a happier life, to be more optimistic.
To get that car, to get that girl.
To be simply you.
Then comes the dumb rational thought which crumbles them all.
What are the consequences? What are the risks? What if this or that or....
Well, everyone faces such crossroads.
We could do the thing that everyone else does, choose the safe route.
The less adventurous one. The enclosed one with little or no distractions.
But if we do this, if we just take the route that everyone is taking...
Then maybe we'll be just like them. Always wishing for something to happen...
Or we could be different, be rash, excited, passionate and make the 'wrong' decision.
Yeah, you'll crash and burn often.
But it'll be worth it. Cause you won't be saying "I wish" but more of... "I tried"
And have no regrets whatsoever.
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