It's scary, it elicits shock, fear and a whole lot of pain.
Fran looks at you, tells you that you've got 45 reps of Thursters and Pullups.
It stares you down, hinting the immense pain waiting in the lungs, quads, grip and shoulders.,
It tells you that you're unprepared, not ready for a thrashing like that.
It's screaming in your ears, telling you that you probably ain't able to walk out of here alive, so don't try...
The Fran on the whiteboard is nothing but pure evil, implanting thoughts of failure, dismay.
Well, that's how the Fran looks at you.
What matters is how You, look at Fran.
You look at Fran, sitting there on the whiteboard, alone. Thinking that she's one lonely girl, you could do with more! Confident aren't you...
You shove the Fran to the side with the simple impression that you're gonna give your best whatever happens.
You tell Fran that you'r going to take her down, you're going to own her.
You grab Fran by the neck and push it up and pull it down and with every successful rep, you push on.
Ready, you take Fran head on with all your have, with all your heart.
By the time it's over, you say these few important words.
"Frans my Bit** now."
What counts is what You tell Fran and not what Fran tells you.
So what's written on your whiteboard of workouts today?
Whats on the whiteboard of your life?
Tell it what it is, not the other way round. Make your own future.
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