Some big, some small.
Some hurtful, some detrimental.
But one thing is for sure, it'll almost always hurt.
I hate making them, it makes me look bad, weak, vulnerable.
Why can't everything be perfect? My form, my fitness, all from the get go.
I will always remember my very first significant injury.
Inexperienced, rash, excited, thinking that my form was perfect.
Did a rounded back deadlift and snap.
There goes my back...
Did I hate myself for it? Yeah I did...
Regret, abundance of it, was stirring all around.
It took me a long while to get back into action again.
It was an agonizing 2 months. Could've been longer if it wasn't for Coach K.
But in every mistake we make, there's always something to take back.
God makes everything perfect in its own time.
There, I learnt that form is darn important, if not vital.
If I didn't make that dumb mistake then, who knows what more serious an injury I would've made now.
I learnt to trust, when things went haywire, I had no one else to trust but.. Coach.
Love hate relationship, I know.
But you'll never know what great things can come out of it.
You'll never know who you'll meet, what you'll learn, who you'll experience.
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