Pushing it to the limit and breaking it, something we commonly say and throw around way too easily. Going all out, giving your all every single time in every WOD and activity.
Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, don't think that's really feesible and possible.
Quite a chore if I may add.
We all have a limit in our mind, body and even in our soul.
I have to admit, the limit is there for a real logical reason. Pushing it is great.
Getting that high from doing something you've never done before, emerging victorious every single time, it feels great. Achieving something you never thought you could.
However, there's a fine fine line between pushing your limit and killing yourself one bit at a time.
Crossfit boasts intensity, pushing your heart, lungs, muscles, body to it's boundaries in a short span of time. Basically, carrying out immense work capacity.
I have no doubt that it is effective in getting you places, it's the intensity in our lives which eventually drives us to greater heights.
Take what Pastor Kong said yesterday, in trials and tribulations, grace abounds. Intense bursts of testings, difficulties is a tested and proven way of growing as a person and in GOD.
However, prolonged intensity, prolonged pushing, extended periods of immense stress takes it's toll on people. Eventually, it drives people insane, it drives people up the wall and ultimately, away from the sole reason why someone actually does it to begin with.
Before you push the limit, in the midst of the heat and tension, in the sweat and tears, you need to have this bugging thought in your mind, why you're in it.
Why you do what you're doing, why do you keep going back again and again despite the hell that you go through.
If you can't verbalize it, if you can't piece things together in your head, then perhaps, you should evaluate some stuff in your life.
Taking a break may be the best thing you could do right now. Taking a step back and breathing may be the smartest decision in your life. Evaluate yourself.
Something I learnt from well crossfit as well. Verbal cues.
Whenever I'm down and out, whenever the heat gets turned on, whenever I wanna give up.
These 3 words come to my mind. And I tell myself that, every single time.
"Believe and Conquer".
A small extract from crossfit HQ, when you train the beginners, when you're teaching them simple movement, don't complicate things, don't throw in big bombastic jargons.
In every aspect, we as humans LOVE to complicate simple logic (explains Sociology)
So as we teach them the push jerk, we don't tell them so many things at once.
Of course there're a thousand and one aspects of it.
Get your head through your arms (window), knees out, back engaged, tighten your core, drive your heels into the ground, keep your head straight.
The list just goes on and on and on.
However, one phrase which others have commonly advocated easily condenses everything into 3 simple words. "Dip and Drive".
When you tell them to perform that motion, you tell them to dip and drive.
What happens thereafter? Well, they dip and drive!
It's a simple logic, coming from within you, you don't exactly need much external voices to keep bugging you to dip and drive, to look ahead and not back, to be an overcomer.
You need to find that phrase.
Fine that revelation for your life, that simple 3 words, that simple phrase.
"I can do all things"
"Nothing is Impossible"
"With God, all things are possible"
This applies to not just crossfit, not just fitness but in every aspect of life.
When you're head is down on the floor, tears filling your eyebags, no longer have sufficient strength to lift your head. Those few words are perhaps all you've got.
I learnt something valuable from a friend yesterday.
No matter what we say, no matter what we do, we are all alone.
Yeah, I know, everyone can say that they've got their buddies beside them etc.
But no, at the end of the day, in the quietness of the night, we are all alone.
What is helping you stand? What is causing you keep pushing that limit you always want to?
For the sake of others?
For the simple joy of doing what you're doing? To be a better person?
Keep pushing, keep focused.
"Believe and Conquer".
Cause I'm with you in it!

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