I'm really really tired, physically and mentally.
Strangely, my emotions are still holding up.
My mental capacity is deterring my physical strength to set myself up properly in every situation, be it in crossfit or in church or anything.
That irritates the hell outta me and man it's a viscous process.
The stress of exams are really kicking in.
At least, things in other senses are turning for the better.
Feeling more and more encouraged by the simple things around me all the time.
Though continually, I do need some encouragement here and there...
I guess like what Pastor did say, I need some people I can cling on to. Those around me...
I know I can do this, I know I don't need some fickle minded one off incident to get me started on focusing or working harder.
Simply put it, I just need to make a decision, and just get down to doing it.
Ain't doing the open WOD, mind is just not too strong enough for it.
Not for now at least.
I'm still more than a conqueror....
That, I need to constantly remind myself...

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