So it's been pretty much about one whole year since I've entered the sport of crossfit.
One full year of training in Crossfit Singapore alongside Coach Kevin and all the other peeps around. I'd like to think that we've come a long way, I've grown, not just physically but mentally as well. That I'm able to be more resilient in the tough things now.
Not gonna talk much about the physical training regimes but the whole general idea of crossfit, the culture that it brings.
Well, before crossfit, I've had such a long history of sporting background.
Ranging from Basketball back in High School, till Track and Field in Junior College days and even Ultimate Frisbee after I finished my army term.
All of them were amazing, all of them gave me something which really made me feel good about myself. However, something was significantly missing.
To a small extent, purpose...
I was missing that drive inside of me which well, like what i said before, keeps me going back again and again. I guess being in track developed my mind and physical attenuation towards short bursts of intense activity but I guess it really wasn't kicking it.
It was only when David posed a training regime for us to go to, crossfit. Ridiculous 90 bucks for 3 intro classes. I sincerely thought it was a big rip off.
All for frisbee fitness, well, let's give it a shot.
I went in to an industrial estate, expecting a huge gym but entered a small apartment tucked away admist roaring bikes. Huge tyres were littered all around the perimeter of the vicinity.
I really thought that it was a cheat session. Walking in, I was shocked, I saw bodies on the floor, struggling for some oxygen after an immensely tiring workout.
Thereafter, I was greeted by no one else but...
Coach Kevin.

Oh yes, I was afraid, the first thing he said was...
"Lionel, you're 30 minutes late, that sums up to 150 burpees, clear it later".
So yes, the intro class went relatively well and surprisingly, whatever he taught was strongly advocated back in track days, basketball days and almost every aspect of training.
The movements were simple, the movements weren't very complicated but the movements were truly MOVEMENTS.
Going about doing them required much effort, even with an empty PVC bar.
After that first few intro class, I won't say I fell in love with crossfit straight away but it has left a long lasting impact on me.
I alternated between going for ultimate trainings in NUS and coming to the 'box' for WODs.
I was firstly very impressed by the knowledge of the athletes and CoachK, when I told them of my previous ailments and injuries, they immediately knew what was the cause of it.
I clearly remember my first few days.
It wasn't a scenario whereby nobody wanted to talk to me, I do my work out, you do yours.
Everyone kind of swarmed to me, teaching me the basics of the basics.
I clearly remember my first WOD.
10 minutes, As Many Rounds as possible,
7 Over head squats, 10 pushup, 15 air squats.
I used an empty bar, and I fell completely flat on the floor after it. It was my first real workout.
I couldn't breathe, my mind was going nuts, I wanted to puke and cry at the same time.
Strangely, in the midst of all that pain, I was insanely high as well.
The community added to the flavor of the whole training idea.
So there and then, I moved on, no more ultimate. Crossfit....
Of course there're much deeper truths to the training regime, the technique, the form which cannot be properly explained here in words.
However, it was evident, it was clear, this provided me with that kick, it gave me what I desired.
To do something I never thought I could do...
However, like the other sports, it didn't have a purpose at that very moment.
That was when I spoke to coach one day, after an amazing mission trip to Kuching and learning of the cultural mandate in SOT.
I learnt of the true meaning of crossfit Singapore. The reason for existence. I guess I've said it way too many times but yeah...
It's about being fit, not on the outside, but in the inside and to bring that to those who can't help themselves. Simple as it seemed, it really made sense to me...
Apart from all the masculinity, it had a deeper meaning. I have never cared much about having a perfect body, only about being fit, pushing my limits and seeing how far I can go.
This was it...
I have to admit, crossfit has changed me considerably.
From what I have observed and noticed in the box, I'm not the only one who shares such sentiments. Many others also do. I guess it's this culture that we have created.
To care for one another and work out together. It isn't just like any other CCA.
The people are here cause they want to be here, they want to get better because they want to.
The size of the community has been growing ever since.
I'd like to think that what attracts the people is probably the testimonies of how crossfit has helped gotten everyone a whole lot fitter but what makes them stay is the culture.
Yeah, I know what's running through your mind, it's just like a cell group.
Yes it is, if someone comes to you and say you've got no time to commit, it's too time consuming.
Well, you're not being bought into a program, but into a lifestyle, regardless of what anyone says, this is how it is...
We've all grown, from the very first introductory class.
To the size we have now...

It's been a great year, it's been truly fruitful. The most recent tough WOD I did.
5 rounds of 160# thrusters (heavier than my body weight mind you) and Muscle Ups.
Never would I have thought I'd be doing things like these...
if I can, you can, they can.
Looking forward to many more years to come and much more growth as an athlete and individual.
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