Listening to : Knocking On Heavens Door - Avril Lavigne
What seems like a very trivial thing to many is actually quite a well, serious thing in real life.
The fact of 'cheating' in a WOD or in any aspect of life.
Often enough, we don't even know we're doing it wrongly or that it's wrong.
Therefore we need one real important person. The Sporter.
The one looking at you, watching your every movement and counting your score.

3,2,1 Go.
The WOD begins and it's really heavy with whatever movements you have.
5 minutes into it, you can't breathe properly and well, you begin to compromise on your movements. You begin to slump forward, rounding your back and not standing up straight.
Your sporter then says the worst 2 words that can come out of his mouth.
Right here, you can have 2 reactions, lash out at him and say that YOU DID IT CORRECTLY.
Or second, you can humble yourself, take the suck and start again.
Like what Coach K always says, trust the guy whose heart rate is not above 200 bpm.
Very often, almost 90% of the time, we think that we're doing it correctly but in actual fact, we're not, we're not doing the movements, we're not performing in life as we should.
You may be going through some tough times now.
Going through some real trials and undergoing some real tough 'workout'.
However, when you start to get tired, when you start to get a little weary, listen to that 'sporter'.
When he or she steps in to say, you're doing it wrongly, try again, restart.
Don't lash out and say, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH.
Often enough, they do, and often enough, they're right.
Trust the fella who can think straight.
Cause at the end of the day, you don't wanna go all the way up to heaven to hear 2 words...
No Count...
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