I'm going to attempt to start this separate section to my blog.
Since I'm really gonna kick start this well, 'profession' of crossfit of mine.
I suppose I should start small, developing in a scene where mistakes can be freely made.
My blog. :)
So yes, here is essentially CROSSfit, Crossfit with a Christian perspective.
I do believe that crossfit has some tied down meaning with the cross.
(Even if there isn't I'll make one, vividly).
This is the ultimate goal for me, bringing fitness to people but the focus would be to help kids/youths/anyone out there lead a better life. Of course with biblical principals.
If you've got any inspirations, thoughts, comments, do post them up and leave a note.
(I'm getting the comments button fixed, if I can figure the HTML out of course...)
Gonna figure out how to archive certain things as well. I suppose I'll try to make it a weekly routine, maybe more frequently. But one things for sure.
It'll be, SHORT but CONCISE. With pictures and maybe vids.
But The focus will really be to link what we commonly do in life/workout/exercising and out mental state to how we should function in life as a Christian and as an individual.
So here's to the first edition! More to come. So stay tuned!
(After exams...)

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