So many things in our lives have become second nature to us.
Note the word "SECOND" nature.
We have become so accustomed to sitting in front of the computer, reaching for the bowl of noodles or commenting on that Facebook status.
It's second nature cause it isn't exactly natural.
We weren't built to function this way.
We're not wired to sit in front of the couch, watch tv all day.
We're not made to gobble up tons and tons of processed rice, noodles and Coke all day.
Contrary to popular belief, we're not made to run marathons or to all look like Hulk Hogan.
We're definitely not made to be talking to people behind the cover of the internet
Maybe that's why people yearn to move, they seek other sources of entertainment.
We are all wired to do a few things...
We're wired to move and move quickly, to compete in that arena of 'Fitness' just as the Olympians have.
We're wired to get out and about, to interact with people, face to face.
We're wired to worship. Not the TV, not idols but God.
Sometimes if you're doing something which is 'unnatural' for you, things won't go your way.
Try, try to do something natural.
Do something you're wired to do.
Don't go for some pump class.
Get your hands down and dirty, cause that's what we're wired to do.
Instead of facebooking, pick that phone up or meet up.
We all talk about functional fitness.
Then let's be functional. Let's do SOMETHING.

Note the word "SECOND" nature.
We have become so accustomed to sitting in front of the computer, reaching for the bowl of noodles or commenting on that Facebook status.
It's second nature cause it isn't exactly natural.
We weren't built to function this way.
We're not wired to sit in front of the couch, watch tv all day.
We're not made to gobble up tons and tons of processed rice, noodles and Coke all day.
Contrary to popular belief, we're not made to run marathons or to all look like Hulk Hogan.
We're definitely not made to be talking to people behind the cover of the internet
Maybe that's why people yearn to move, they seek other sources of entertainment.
We are all wired to do a few things...
We're wired to move and move quickly, to compete in that arena of 'Fitness' just as the Olympians have.
We're wired to get out and about, to interact with people, face to face.
We're wired to worship. Not the TV, not idols but God.
Sometimes if you're doing something which is 'unnatural' for you, things won't go your way.
Try, try to do something natural.
Do something you're wired to do.
Don't go for some pump class.
Get your hands down and dirty, cause that's what we're wired to do.
Instead of facebooking, pick that phone up or meet up.
We all talk about functional fitness.
Then let's be functional. Let's do SOMETHING.

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