School will teach you a variety of skills that would help you for a lifetime.
But more than that, school teaches you life skills, teaches you values and discipline.
One important value is the pursuit of education.
Some have said that your true education commences the moment you leave school.
Applying this to Crossfit. Wouldn't you want to learn more?
Learn more about your fitness and about how your body really works?
I may sound extremely biased (I probably am) but bear with me.
I've seen many fitness programs or athletes strive to emulate only one thing.
Do the workout, no questions asked.
Honestly speaking, this is so far from the truth.
You are now placing your entire life and fitness goals in the hands of a trainer or coach.
Not to say that it's wrong, sometimes it's better to listen to them instead of yourself.
But there has to come to a point where if you have doubts about yourself or about your fitness.
You can answer them yourself.
It's essentially saying, so long as I go to church, listen to my leaders, they are ALWAYS right and I no longer need to think for myself.
It's saying, so long as I listen to my teacher that an apple starts with the letter 'B', it does start with the letter 'B'!.
Not exactly the brightest of people aye?
I'm not trying to inspire selfishness, disrespect for authority or unteachability.
I'm trying to inspire responsibility in our lives.
Aspire to learn more about yourself.
Not just in fitness but in every aspect of life.
My heart and fist twitches a little when someone says, "Don't worry, person A knows it all, he'll handle it".
Or "He knows best, so I'll leave it as that, no need to figure more out."
Nobody is all knowing, nobody has all the revelations in the World.
We are here to build each other up. Aren't we?
We feed of each others knowledge and grow from it.
We are meant to edify and lift up, not put down.
That's what I love about Crossfit and CHC. If there's a new program, a new methodology or new revelation, people share it. People want to 'educate'.
We don't know it all.
We've not reached Nirvana.
We're not perfect either.
(Look at your Clean and Jerk, I'm sure it has some room for improvement, unless you're Rich Froning)
But let's strive to be.
It's all in the journey, yeah??

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