Our lives, are really just like the white/chalk board isn't it?
Workouts are written on the board, you barely know the workouts till the day before or till you step in.
Circumstances are dished out to you randomly, you won't know when's gonna be your next promotion, your next text or your next accident for that matter
Your training thus far prepares you for whatever you're going to face but your past can't save you, it's your choice whether you want to make it or break it
Your life is a sum total of all the experiences, good and bad. But that isn't going to change a thing. You have to decide whether to move up higher or fall back down
The numbers and figures you write on the board tell more than just how fit you are... The board speaks of character. The board speaks of what's inside.
When people see the circumstances you go through, they won't just look and say, "How privileged or how unfortunate that fella is". It's going to be a judgement call.
"He just decided not to put in any effort"
"He gave it his all, he dug deep and emerged a victor"
The board does not lie. Whether it's just 5 rounds in a 10 min Amrap or 20 rounds. Everyone can see it. So be proud of what you've done. Even if it was a flop, accept it without shame.
People genuinely think that life is going to be peach perfect, no it isn't. And people can see it. People can see that of you. They can see your failures, your victories. So accept that about yourself. Cause if you keep beating yourself up (In a negative way) and avoiding the real problems. Then we're not gonna get anywhere aren't we?
Bitching about the board won't change it, one bit.
People can whine, complain, gossip about the many things that life offers you. People can talk behind others back, they can make up a thousand stories as to why you failed or why his success is just all a fake. They can make it sound as though another person is the devil reincarnate. But your life is written on the 'board'. What they say, doesn't change how/who you are. "I've kept my integrity" means more than what anyone else can say about you.
The Board is always wiped clean at the end of the day. So whatever you've achieved today, yesterday or last year, won't matter anymore. Everyone starts again.
Achieving success is one thing, basking in it is another. Accepting Failure is one thing, self-pity is another. Always look ahead for that next challenge. Don't wait for it. Eagerly anticipate it. Wake up a fighter.

Workouts are written on the board, you barely know the workouts till the day before or till you step in.
Circumstances are dished out to you randomly, you won't know when's gonna be your next promotion, your next text or your next accident for that matter
Your training thus far prepares you for whatever you're going to face but your past can't save you, it's your choice whether you want to make it or break it
Your life is a sum total of all the experiences, good and bad. But that isn't going to change a thing. You have to decide whether to move up higher or fall back down
The numbers and figures you write on the board tell more than just how fit you are... The board speaks of character. The board speaks of what's inside.
When people see the circumstances you go through, they won't just look and say, "How privileged or how unfortunate that fella is". It's going to be a judgement call.
"He just decided not to put in any effort"
"He gave it his all, he dug deep and emerged a victor"
The board does not lie. Whether it's just 5 rounds in a 10 min Amrap or 20 rounds. Everyone can see it. So be proud of what you've done. Even if it was a flop, accept it without shame.
People genuinely think that life is going to be peach perfect, no it isn't. And people can see it. People can see that of you. They can see your failures, your victories. So accept that about yourself. Cause if you keep beating yourself up (In a negative way) and avoiding the real problems. Then we're not gonna get anywhere aren't we?
Bitching about the board won't change it, one bit.
People can whine, complain, gossip about the many things that life offers you. People can talk behind others back, they can make up a thousand stories as to why you failed or why his success is just all a fake. They can make it sound as though another person is the devil reincarnate. But your life is written on the 'board'. What they say, doesn't change how/who you are. "I've kept my integrity" means more than what anyone else can say about you.
The Board is always wiped clean at the end of the day. So whatever you've achieved today, yesterday or last year, won't matter anymore. Everyone starts again.
Achieving success is one thing, basking in it is another. Accepting Failure is one thing, self-pity is another. Always look ahead for that next challenge. Don't wait for it. Eagerly anticipate it. Wake up a fighter.

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