We all live life seeking a few things.
Happiness, Joy, Eternity, Love, Power, Wealth.
Just to name a few common things that people want, that people desire,
But it's a little strange isn't it.
That most of these issues, the deep issues that all of them have are very inward seeking.
I was told only recently, that if you look around at the World.
It operates in a certain fashion...
In order to climb up that ladder, you have to step on others to get your way up.
In order to get into the best school, best company, you've got to step on others.
To get that promotion oh you have to be a cunning cunning man.
But is that really the only option?
If that's what we really seek in life that something is vastly wrong isn't it?
Thankfully, there's an alternative.
Let's try Raising people up.
I've had the privilege to be trained and train with some awesome people in Crossfit Singapore.
Over here, we celebrate victories, we celebrate PRs.
But when someone gets the win, there's always a resounding cheer!
It's hardly the case whereby you cheer for your opponent.
Never will that ever happen in pro sports.
But it does for Crossfit.
Raise people up because when you do that, you, will be raised up yourself.
Bring some heaven down to Earth.
Make someones day, give them a hand, an encouragement.
Make them the star of the day instead of yourself.
Don't just seek fame and power.
Seek to serve, seek to make someones day.
We are made to raise things in life and not put down.
It's easy to fall down, it's easy to drop something and let gravity do it's work.
It's totally another thing to pick up 200kg in a deadlift.
That's what we have been trained to do, aren't we?
We're all trained and taught to pick people, to raise things up.
So let's put that in practice shall we?