Tuesday, July 30, 2013

CROSS-fit #129 We are RAISED up

We all live life seeking a few things.
Happiness, Joy, Eternity, Love, Power, Wealth.
Just to name a few common things that people want, that people desire,
But it's a little strange isn't it.
That most of these issues, the deep issues that all of them have are very inward seeking.

I was told only recently, that if you look around at the World.
It operates in a certain fashion...
In order to climb up that ladder, you have to step on others to get your way up.
In order to get into the best school, best company, you've got to step on others.
To get that promotion oh you have to be a cunning cunning man.
But is that really the only option?

If that's what we really seek in life that something is vastly wrong isn't it?
Thankfully, there's an alternative.

Let's try Raising people up.
I've had the privilege to be trained and train with some awesome people in Crossfit Singapore.
Over here, we celebrate victories, we celebrate PRs.
But when someone gets the win, there's always a resounding cheer!
It's hardly the case whereby you cheer for your opponent.
Never will that ever happen in pro sports.
But it does for Crossfit.

Raise people up because when you do that, you, will be raised up yourself.
Bring some heaven down to Earth. 
Make someones day, give them a hand, an encouragement.
Make them the star of the day instead of yourself.

Don't just seek fame and power.
Seek to serve, seek to make someones day.
We are made to raise things in life and not put down.
It's easy to fall down, it's easy to drop something and let gravity do it's work.
It's totally another thing to pick up 200kg in a deadlift.
That's what we have been trained to do, aren't we?
We're all trained and taught to pick people, to raise things up.
So let's put that in practice shall we?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

CROSS-fit #128 Have Control

Contrary to popular belief, human being are really strong and powerful creatures.
No, not just because of our intellect.
We're really genuinely strong.
We just don't know it yet.

Studies have shown that we are able to utilize only 10% of our brains capacity.
Similarly, our Central Nervous System (CNS), the thing which connects your brain to your muscles and tells it to move, is only able to use 10% of that entire capability.
If we were able to tap into a little bit more?
Einstein is said to be able to access 11-12%. BAM, came nuclear energy.
Olympic Weightlifters are able to fire their CNS at a more rapid rate too.
The outcome? Immense power being generated.

I mean, they say ants can carry like 7 times their bodyweight?
Well, I've seen humans do 2.5 times their bodyweight. Pretty impressive!
But it's all about control.

You need to have control over your body.
A little too much strength, too much power, and bad things may happen.
Run too fast when you're not ready, you pull your hamstring.
Lift too hard, too fast, you're gonna get a bad back.

Have control. Control your body.
The magic isn't in the power or strength of all men.
It's about being able to control whatever strengths you have.
And to channel them in the right direction.

You may have immense CNS recruitment, firing at very rapid rates.
But going too hard, too fast, results in what many call, burn outs.
Being a hero today might cause you to be a zero tomorrow (Pardon the cheesy line)
Save some in the tank.

But as Crossfit always says, the greatest adaptation comes between the ears.
Control your mind. That's the most important.
Don't let your emotions overtake you.
Don't let life overtake your being.
We're powerful beyond measure, we need to recognize that.
In our bodies, in our spirit and in our minds.
Each day, train yourself for greater control.

I'm asking everyone to be straight edged EVERY single moment.
Lose yourself at the right time and at the right moment.
But save some in the tank.
That's how you get stronger, that's how you access that 100%

Saturday, July 06, 2013

CROSS-fit #127 We are wired this way

So many things in our lives have become second nature to us.
Note the word "SECOND" nature.
We have become so accustomed to sitting in front of the computer, reaching for the bowl of noodles or commenting on that Facebook status.
It's second nature cause it isn't exactly natural.
We weren't built to function this way.

We're not wired to sit in front of the couch, watch tv all day.
We're not made to gobble up tons and tons of processed rice, noodles and Coke all day.
Contrary to popular belief, we're not made to run marathons or to all look like Hulk Hogan.
We're definitely not made to be talking to people behind the cover of the internet
Maybe that's why people yearn to move, they seek other sources of entertainment.

We are all wired to do a few things...
We're wired to move and move quickly, to compete in that arena of 'Fitness' just as the Olympians have.
We're wired to get out and about, to interact with people, face to face.
We're wired to worship. Not the TV, not idols but God.

Sometimes if you're doing something which is 'unnatural' for you, things won't go your way.
Try, try to do something natural.
Do something you're wired to do.
Don't go for some pump class.
Get your hands down and dirty, cause that's what we're wired to do.
Instead of facebooking, pick that phone up or meet up.
We all talk about functional fitness.
Then let's be functional. Let's do SOMETHING.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

CROSS-fit #126 Education

School will teach you a variety of skills that would help you for a lifetime.
But more than that, school teaches you life skills, teaches you values and discipline.
One important value is the pursuit of education.
Some have said that your true education commences the moment you leave school.

Applying this to Crossfit. Wouldn't you want to learn more?
Learn more about your fitness and about how your body really works?
I may sound extremely biased (I probably am) but bear with me.
I've seen many fitness programs or athletes strive to emulate only one thing.
Do the workout, no questions asked.
Honestly speaking, this is so far from the truth.
You are now placing your entire life and fitness goals in the hands of a trainer or coach.
Not to say that it's wrong, sometimes it's better to listen to them instead of yourself.

But there has to come to a point where if you have doubts about yourself or about your fitness.
You can answer them yourself.

It's essentially saying, so long as I go to church, listen to my leaders, they are ALWAYS right and I no longer need to think for myself.
It's saying, so long as I listen to my teacher that an apple starts with the letter 'B', it does start with the letter 'B'!.
Not exactly the brightest of people aye?

I'm not trying to inspire selfishness, disrespect for authority or unteachability.
I'm trying to inspire responsibility in our lives.
Aspire to learn more about yourself.
Not just in fitness but in every aspect of life.
My heart and fist twitches a little when someone says, "Don't worry, person A knows it all, he'll handle it".
Or "He knows best, so I'll leave it as that, no need to figure more out."
Nobody is all knowing, nobody has all the revelations in the World.

We are here to build each other up. Aren't we?
We feed of each others knowledge and grow from it.
We are meant to edify and lift up, not put down.
That's what I love about Crossfit and CHC. If there's a new program, a new methodology or new revelation, people share it. People want to 'educate'.

We don't know it all.
We've not reached Nirvana. 
We're not perfect either.
(Look at your Clean and Jerk, I'm sure it has some room for improvement, unless you're Rich Froning)
But let's strive to be.
It's all in the journey, yeah??

Monday, July 01, 2013

CROSS-fit #125 The Board

Our lives, are really just like the white/chalk board isn't it?

Workouts are written on the board, you barely know the workouts till the day before or till you step in.
Circumstances are dished out to you randomly, you won't know when's gonna be your next promotion, your next text or your next accident for that matter

Your training thus far prepares you for whatever you're going to face but your past can't save you, it's your choice whether you want to make it or break it
Your life is a sum total of all the experiences, good and bad. But that isn't going to change a thing. You have to decide whether to move up higher or fall back down

The numbers and figures you write on the board tell more than just how fit you are... The board speaks of character. The board speaks of what's inside.
When people see the circumstances you go through, they won't just look and say, "How privileged or how unfortunate that fella is". It's going to be a judgement call. 
"He just decided not to put in any effort"
"He gave it his all, he dug deep and emerged a victor"

The board does not lie. Whether it's just 5 rounds in a 10 min Amrap or 20 rounds. Everyone can see it. So be proud of what you've done. Even if it was a flop, accept it without shame.
People genuinely think that life is going to be peach perfect, no it isn't. And people can see it. People can see that of you. They can see your failures, your victories. So accept that about yourself. Cause if you keep beating yourself up (In a negative way) and avoiding the real problems. Then we're not gonna get anywhere aren't we?

Bitching about the board won't change it, one bit.
People can whine, complain, gossip about the many things that life offers you. People can talk behind others back, they can make up a thousand stories as to why you failed or why his success is just all a fake. They can make it sound as though another person is the devil reincarnate. But your life is written on the 'board'. What they say, doesn't change how/who you are. "I've kept my integrity" means more than what anyone else can say about you.

The Board is always wiped clean at the end of the day. So whatever you've achieved today, yesterday or last year, won't matter anymore. Everyone starts again.
Achieving success is one thing, basking in it is another. Accepting Failure is one thing, self-pity is another. Always look ahead for that next challenge. Don't wait for it. Eagerly anticipate it. Wake up a fighter.