To many people, it's all or nothing this year. To a few, it'll be their first.
However, one way or another, all of them, all the competitors-to-be are all gearing up for it.
They all have different programs lined up, they all have different systems and training ideas in mind.
Some are out resting and taking a break due to injuries, some are on a highway to an injury.
The smart ones are using this time to get strong, looking at their nutrition and mobility.
HyperfitUSA points out some good training tips on workout programming for the Crossfit games.
This is their link, HyperfitUSA
They make sensible conclusions on planning and preparation.
Not just for the physical concept but for the mind as well.
Many if not all athletes mostly focus on their physical training regime.
The 3 on - 1 off idea.
They follow the paleo diet real strictly and have no time to mess around.
They pound their bodies by doing multiple double day workouts (With the exception of Rich Froning)
Come back broken and beaten only to get up the next day to follow the 'plan'.
That's good and all, don't get me wrong.
I follow a training plan myself.
Being here in the states, I've got to fend for myself, do my own share of planning and programming.
The fascinating thing is that sometimes, we follow so closely to the plan, we lose sight of what really matters..
Your physical condition, your body and your mind.
If you get up one day and feel like hell.
Look at your program and it's a heavy heavy day for you.
How would you think you'll fare?
There's a fine line between being lazy or succumbing to your body and actually listening to it.
Your body doesn't feel tired simply because it's lazy. Sometimes it's really beat.
Training in that condition, that's just a recipe for an injury or deteriorating the level of gains for the same amount of time.
Remember, you're not just a Crossfit athlete, you're also a student, an employee, a father, a son, a husband and a Christian (Make time for that). So maximize your time.
But as said previously, sometimes, your body just feels lazy, you feel lethargic and tired.
But pushing through may just break that mental barrier of yours.
So it's really up to you.
And your mind.
This is perhaps the most important portion of preparation.
Of course your physical conditioning is important.
But your mindset, your mental picture, has to be trained for success.
If you're doing workouts and constantly see the three letters DNF (did not finish) on the board.
Then probably you're doing something wrong.
Living in defeat is not the way to go, it trains you to be stronger, yes it does.
However, it drains you. It causes you to lose the very aspect Crossfit was supposed to instil in you.
'Confidence' and 'Hope'.
Have a program or days where by you build up to reach desired levels.
Probably not just in Crossfit but in life.
Sometimes, if failure is all you're seeing, switch it up once in a while.
Thomas Edison failed many times to get that light bulb going
But nobody mentioned how many small successes he had along the way.
Measure those successes, keep the hope up.
Be confident.
All the best for Crossfit Games 2013!
My training has already begun! (Quite a while back now)

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