You can't lie.
You can't lie about your fitness or cheat your way through this one.
(Of course if you want to cheat yourself then sure, I guess you'll live a relatively sad life)

A couplet of heavy ground to overhead and pullups. Simple and fresh
So a friend commented right before the hour commenced.
"You're gonna kill it buddy".
In my head I thought I was, I genuinely did. But hey, the only nice thing to do is to reply...
"Nah, I'm sure it'll hurt and I'm not too good and those stuff."
A failed attempt at being humble, really....
But what he said after made me change the way I answer any of such questions ever again.
"The whiteboard clearly says differently buddy, either that, or there's another Lionel around I've never met."
I had no comeback for that... I was dumbfounded.
But it's true isn't it! You don't need to hide or say anything to cover your strengths or your weaknesses!
The whiteboard says all.
It'll exclaim loudly whether you owned it or got massacred by it.
Find that whiteboard in your life and not just in crossfit.
Maybe it ain't too far away, maybe you can stop hiding right about now.
Stop hiding your weaknesses or your strengths.
People can tell... No word of a lie.
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