The phrase of the week has to go to my dear trainers are Wildcat Crossfit.
Midway during probably one of the toughest workouts ever (I don't normally say this)...
One of our coaches, Nick, shouted out, keep going! Embrace the Suck!
Hilariously, one of the athletes literally walked towards a pole and embraced it.
As figurative as it sounds, gosh sometimes you need to embrace something to actually feel something inside.
Our outward nature clearly reflects our inward nature.
Often, we need to say hello to the suck, smile at it and hug it.
It could very well be the person next door whom you probably want to murder.
It may be your boss.

But whatever it is, you've got to embrace it.
It sucks, big time. It really does.
Especially when it hurts so bad and it's been hurting for the past 10 minutes in a 15 minute workout.
Yeah, the feeling when the pain will only get worst from here on out.
Yupp. I'm sure everyone kinda knows what that feels like.
Halfway through Cindy, and really!? Push it!?
Only one way to do it... Embrace the suck.
Somehow, somewhere deep down that determined sick mind of yours.
You need to tell yourself, that...
"I Like This Suck".
"Wow, this pain is amazing!"
Somewhere along those lines.
Cause just like every patient young child.
The goodies await at the end of the tunnel :)
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