There's always a simple saying.
You can lie to everyone, your friends, your family, your closest companions, but you can't lie to yourself, you can't lie to God.
Be true to yourself.
Cause that's what matters at the end of your journey. Be it in life, be it in the WOD.
Cheating in the WOD, is just like cheating on yourself, you may be at the top of the table.
The fastest, strongest guy around. But really, who are you kidding?
At the end of the day, Crossfit isn't about competition in a sense. It isn't about how much you can beat the other guy by, to be the top dog in the box.
Yeah, competition is good and all but...
What constitutes victory isn't triumph over others, but over yourself.
Be who you truly are, not someone else, don't be so full of pretense.
Contrary to Shakespeare's belief, life isn't always a stage and we aren't always actors.
But be who you are, and be proud of it.
God loves you just the way you are, right now.
Stand tall.
Know who you are, you don't need to fake it one bit.
You're an overcomer, you're more than a conqueror, you're anointed, you're strong inside and out, you're an energy pack ready to explode, you're you.
You'll never know, being you may just give others that extra push to be more than themselves.

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