The one sport which is convicting everyone to push their limits is telling you to ditch it.
You gotta throw it down sometimes, you gotta let it go.
Live to fight another day.
Giving up the battle doesn't always mean giving up the war.
One failure, one downturn does not mean fatality of your dream.
Attempt that lift, attempt the new Snatch PR. But sometimes, it just doesn't kick it for you.
You may just be well, out of form, then fight another day.
Let it go, let the weight settle itself, come back to own it tomorrow.

What matters is that you don't give it all up.
So ditch it, if your back just doesn't feel right.
Ditch it, if you don't feel totally explosive.
Ditch it, if you just don't think that you're gonna survive the day.
Come back to fight another day.
Don't needlessly disappoint yourself, you'll just get angrier.
Walk away with your head held high, cause tomorrow, you're gonna do it.
Have an attitude like that.
Don't rush your progress, don't rush your victories, don't rush GOD.
Everything has it's time and place.
So ditch it if you need to, come back another time.
Give it a try, see if life gets better.
Later, you can jam the accelerator yet again, it'll still be there. Trust me.
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