And so after so so long, we're actually here. In this promised land of ours.
I'm really glad cause it's been well, 6 years? Since we began this vision with Pastor.
I totally believe in it and am willing to go all out with him in this.
Being part of it from the beginning really means alot.
Yeah, times haven't been too good. for the church as well as for well, me honestly...
Way too much thinking going on in this puny head of mine.
Too Much for my own good.
But well, like what Pastor said on Tuesday.
What matters now, is that we get better, focused on what is truly at hand.
So please, really, trust that I am doing the right thing and get off my back will you?
Seeing the new hall was so captivating, it's so majestic, it's beyond description.
I'm truly honored to be part of this, to help in setting up this symbol of victory.
That aside, being focused and sure in my work has never been too tough.
Wonder how bad this semester will be, maybe it's too late for me to salvage any of my grades.
But I think I'm still going to give it all I've got.
Just like well, what Moses said, this sem, I'm a different Lionel....
Gotta wake up and drink my chocolate chip cream.
I'm still hoping!

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