Friday, June 24, 2011


Listening to : Save The World - Swedish House Mafia

It's probably human nature to be a dreamer, to want to be living in a fantasy.
To do the impossible things over and over again. To take flight!
After watching the Green Lantern (Nothing really impressive to be honest) I guess it hit me.
At one point in time, we all wanted to be one of them, just like the superheroes we all watch.
The kind of guy that flies around, saving people, getting the last kiss, making that big sacrifice.
The hero that can never be hurt, self sacrificing, stands for the good of the people, discarding all fear.
Maybe it's a little far fetched or maybe I'm speaking from a personal experience.
But we all have had a dream of being just like them, maybe even now.

But really, sometimes the superheroes that we want to see aren't too far away.
Look at the hero that just picked his son up after he had a bad fall despite him having the worst day at work.
Look at the hero whom picks up the barbell when he doesn't have proper legs to stand up to do so.
Look at the hero who refuses to make the wrong decision though it's so so enticing.
Look at the hero who stands up after being hit down time and time again.
I suppose we admire the abilities of these heroes a whole lot, but what really strikes us is the resolve in them.
Really, superheroes ain't too far away.

They're all around us, right there beside us.

Sometimes, you just have to be your own hero, to keep doing what you're doing.
Living the life you live and who knows? You may just be that hero to someone else...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup! Sure u are a hero to someone :)